Wii version

Hey guys,

So I just had a go at the wii version.
I assume this game is a port of an earlier version?
It just looks quite rough around the edges and "early" for a wii game.

Don't get me wrong - I still happily play 8 bit games, I'm not a graphics whore.
Just noticed that it looked a bit dated.

Other issue for me is...the wii has a terrible control system for this title.
Having played the first one on XBOX, everything was fine...now that I've got my hands on this one it feels a bit crippled - they haven't properly utilised both sides of the wii controller IMO.
To be completely honest, with it as bad as it is, I'm just not sure I can see this game through.
One thing that irks me beyond belief is a control system that makes me think about how much I dislike it throughout my playthrough.

Was the game released on PS2 or XBOX1 in any PAL edition?


PS2,PSP,Wii and download. Of course the unedited version is infamous in the PSP version
