old man as shooter??

when quim is first shot at in the leg, isn't that an older man shooting at him?

"My daughter is a track 1 girl!"


I believe that was "Snake", the third sniper.


Could be the father of the two boys. Their mom knew about the whole thing, indicating that it was a family pastime.


Oh now it makes sense Tchoutoye. I heard one boy tell the other that he was going to tell mom, but I didn't really get that mom was one of the players. I was wondering who the other players were. Now it makes sense.


I was wondering the same thing about the old man.


I don't think the mum knew at all. I think the brother was threatening the other by telling their mother and giving their little game away. As for the father. Maybe they dont have one and this could contribute to them being a tad disfunctional albeit on a sociopathic level. The other player could've been an older friend. As for their father or brother even??? Not too sure about that. Besides they didn't look that upset at the loss of the other player when he was knocked down and killed.


rbatty02, I agree that it's highly unlikely that the guy who shoots Quim in the leg is the father of the two boys. For example, why would he have a nickname like 'Snake' if that were the case? And, as you say, the two boys hardly seem upset by Snake's demise (the younger one actually acts like he's happy Snake's out of it). Although...the way that they trashed Quim's Volvo seems to indicate some level of grief/anger about Snake's death; but, if you'll notice, most of the damage seems to have been done with the shotgun, and possibly some kind of bludgeon, which would point to the older boy as, at least, the primary vandal. My guess is that Snake was an older friend who provided transportation up into the hills and probably initially instigated the game - but that's just speculation on my part.


I agree that it's highly unlikely that the guy who shoots Quim in the leg is the father of the two boys.
I agree. A lot of posters seem to be suggesting, he was an old man. How they have arrived at that conclusion I'll never know. You only ever seem him from a distance and there are never any close-ups, so it could quite easily have been another kid.

What I found odd was that the other two, didn't seem the slightest bit concerned about his demise. Another gamer out of the game perhaps?


For example, why would he have a nickname like 'Snake' if that were the case?

Erm, why could their father not have the nickname Snake if he was in the game? All their nicknames are video game characters. Adults can play video games too you know.

As for them not being overly upset, that doesn't really work in favour of either argument. Even if snake was a friend and not a relative, they would still be close to him, still care about him, and you would still expect them to show some emotion about his death.

That they don't shows they have some physiological issues. Saying that he's just out of the game suggests that that is exactly how he's viewing it; that snake is just no longer in the game, not that he is dead. This could just be some form of denial.


... some physiological issues.
I think you may be getting the physiological mixed up with the psychological. Neither of the boys appeared to have physiological issues to me.
