Steve wilkos: A big phony?

In interviews he talks about how in season 1 that wasn't "the real him" and how his former boss Richard Dominick would bang on the podium and force him to shout at the guest and how he hated it. But I fell in love with THAT Steve. Does this mean I was actually loving Richard Dominick? Does Steve secretly love pedos?


Why are you wondering if Steve Wilkos likes pedophiles? Just because he doesn't like screaming at his guests? That's a very low brow way to think. My opinion is he just doesn't like yelling for the sake of yelling.


What is phony is his claim that his lie detector tests are 99% accurate. Hilarious.


That's another thing! I always believed Steve when he said lie detector tests are accurate BUT in a radio interview recently Steve himself said that in the marines he trained men to pass lie detector tests and that it IS possible for someone specially trained to pass them, but that the average Joe Blow on his show couldn't pass it. I couldn't believe my ears!


It's all about making money off the gullible public.
