MovieChat Forums > The Pickup Artist (2007) Discussion > This is all BS guys listen to me

This is all BS guys listen to me

Doing techniques to get girls,Why put all the effort? Go out talk to a girl if she rejects u move on to the next its as simple as that.

And i hope girls respond to this


Mystery says never approach a girl from behind.i have picked up girls from behind no problem

He says use the 3 scond rule Ive approached and picked up girls 2hrs after i first made eye contact with them

If a girl rejects u who cares u probably wont ever see her again anyway

This guy at a club tried to pick up using the "did u see those 2 girls fighting outside" one of mysteries favorites and she laughed at him.So then i walked up to the girl and told her he tried picking you up using a tv show technique and she said "yeah i know i hate that show" so we started laughing at that guy and i ended up going back to her place> so thank you loser guy and mystery


It's so easy to say "go talk to a girl". Many guys have absolutely no clue how to talk to girls peroid. I can take it you've never had a problem with women which is cool but don't knock this man for trying to help guys that do. Oh and chances are you probably used the stuff he talks about and didn't know it and that's why you went home with her. Mystery breaks this down in his book which i take it you haven't read.


No i did have promblem talking to women then i just said 2 myself whats the worst that can happen?she will say no and i probably wont ever see her again.
Im trying to help guys out there and tell them every guy gets rejected u will pick up if u go and talk to a few women.These guys that appeared on the show wont get girls now because everyone saw how pathetic they were all so mystery can exploit them and make money......


The worst that can happen is that many guys will stand with thier mouths hanging open not knowing what to say and will look like creepers and will repeat the same process over and over again. Or they'll go up to a girl hold her interest briefly and then she'll get bored and walk away which many guys also repeat time and time again. This isn't about getting rejected once and maybe getting lucky later. There are guys out there who have been rejected every single time(*cough 26 year old Todd who never had a girlfriend before being on the show*).

"These guys that appeared on the show wont get girls now because everyone saw how pathetic they were all so mystery can exploit them and make money"

Ugh yes they will because now they have the social skills needed to get the girls they want. Why don't you actually look up the cast members to see thier current situations and you'll realize they are all a hell of a lot better before you make such a dumb assumption.


Ugh yes they will because now they have the social skills needed to get the girls they want. Why don't you actually look up the cast members to see thier current situations and you'll realize they are all a hell of a lot better before you make such a dumb assumption

What u mean the paid actors


There are no paid actors on this show you tool, there are certain parts that are scripted for entertainment value but all of the club footage is real. No actors, no rehearsals and just because you saw it not work for one guy doesn't mean what Mystery teaches doesn't work. I've used all of it, the negs, openers, dhvs ect and before this show I couldn't talk to a girl to save my life and no I can actually hold thier interest without making a fool of myself in the process.


Yeah. If you use a neg in the right way to a woman that always gets compiments and pickuplines and if you use dhv she will become attracted to you.


Completely agree...and I really doubt the Mytery-Method would be consistently effective in Southern California.

My problem with Mystery is that he's giving really, REALLY bad advice to these poor guys. Listen...MYSTERY is a circus-freak! I'm not saying it's all BS, but the only parts that make sense are the parts that should be considered common-knowledge. The rest is a bunch of BS!

Guys...all you need to do is the following...update your cool, calm, confident...ask questions...and realize it's just a numbers game and you are allowed to be as selective as they are...that's all, you will be fine!




Myster is a circus-freak! Whether or not he is well intentioned, the problem that a lot of these guys encounter is they try to act just like him instead of being better versions of themselves. Being socially awkward is another issue altogether, and having no game is just a side-effect. Start by laying off the video games, getting a gym membership [and actually going], going out to bars, etc. Over a certain amount of time, you will naturally fine your own grove.



It's true that it doesn't matter how good looking you are if you have absolutely no confidence, but the things I suggested are just examples of what can help build confidence.

I just think it's funny that my simple advice is being shot down for being "naive", but the complex side-show act of the Mystery-method are roundly received by most in this forum.



What you need to remember that pickup and dating are just numbers games. If you ever find yourself talking to a girl and run out of things to say, just keep asking questions. Participate in something that sales people Active-Listening: ask simple background questions and follow-up questions based on her answers. Say how you relate, but reveal as little about yourself as possible as the wrong information will be used against you. Politics, sports, music and religion should not be discussed, but if they are, reamin neutral. Ask about where's she's from, what she majored in college. If you get her number, be sure to remember her backghround info because they love it when you can.

However, be mindful of body language, as well. If she isn't asking you any questions, or making voluntary body-contact, then she's probably not interested. It's no big deal, so move on. The problem with the Mystery-Method is that it has these poor guys having long, drawn-out coversations with people and don't really know where to go with it so these groups just get uncomfortable.'re allowed to have a say in the matter...maintaining and ending the coversation at least keeps you in control regardless of the outcome. Make it seem like you have something better to do, like you're doing her a favor by talking to her.



I don't talk about music and sports and this is why: 1) I'm a Steelers fan living amongst Charger fans in San Diego; and 2) I listen primarily to heavy-metal and that occasionally turns people's different for everyone.

Mark my word, women love jerks because jerks provide a challenge and a sense of mystique, where nice guys have already laid it all out on the table. It's all about living up to the chase. Be calm, cool, professional, a little bit of a jerk, and do NOT compliment them. None of this, "You have a cute overbite" Myster-method crap!

If they say you're asking too many questions, then it's either an indcator of disinterest, but it's a number game so not everyone's gonna say that. This process is just a way of you weeding each other out. You strike me as someone who's looking for a relationship. Be sure to keep in mind that kyou're trying to look for someone that best suits you, rather then finding out what they want to hear. You don't want to find yourself mixed up with some crazy whore just because you're afraid of being alone.



its not bs I read the books before I ever saw the show and what I got from them initially is that its to make you a better version of yourself. In fact I've seen and heard mystery in many different articles or interviews say he is not interested about making little cookie cutter pick up artist versions of himself-he’s just giving people the tools to help them get up and running and then hopefully return to the scene with their own insights to make the overall pool of knowledge much more workable.

My own personal experience was of a person who for 25 years barely could hold a conversation with ANYONE other than a handful of very close friends. After read the books I am much more confident and can make conversation with men and women alike. I wouldn’t say i am were I eventually wanna be but within just over a year the difference is remarkable, surely this is the acid test of whether this is all bs or not? Everyday guys who have tried his methods for time and time again come back and say it has worked for them? Yeah mystery’s making money but as a ex social awkward person his writings seemed to be genuinely coming from a person who knew what it was like to be shy and what problems it caused, which to me outbalances anyway criticism of any wealth he may make from all this- he truly understands and is trying to help.


The key is to have good friends who can come in handy as wing-men, as well as hanging out at social gatherings where you can make effective progress. As long as you hang out at the right places and associate yourself with the right people, then you can achieve the same results and be self-taught.

The problem is that some of these guys lose the message, forget who they are by tring to be someone else. I had a buddy who read the book and instead of developing natural confidence, and developed false-confidence and went from being an effective team player to a pompous jerk. The false-confidence went to his head and he STILL couldn't full an results.


nah mate i was in prime social gathering to meet women and just got to nervous to do anything-this is including the times women approached ME.

your friend is just one case and hes obviously applied the teaching wrong because acting like a jerk isnt gonna get you a chick no matter how confident you come across-it is all about calibration and fitting into the norm.

Also you say the key is too have good friends, what if your social awkwardness stops u from havin good friends or friends that you can interact with on the level needed to do what your suggesting?

I just fail to understand what you guys problem is with the game


Whatever...I had a friend who was a total dork and had very poor social skills, but he still had a lot of game because he was confident.


Not the same thing then is it! someone whose confident is goin to get intial attraction from girls-well eventually if they play the numbers game, but after that it wont go no where if they act like jerk to their women.

Anyway regardless of all that the way he acts to his friends and the way he acts to his woman in private are most likely to b worlds apart


I don´t need to use the PUA stuff.
Don´t hate me because I´m beautiful but in Socal the girls approach me and the latinos are whistling for me.


Well how would you feel if someone approached you from behind? To some it might feel kind of creepy.

I just want to say that you shouldn´t do like everybody else. Like say a pickup line about how hot she is and then buy her a drink.

The 3 second rule is awesome. I think that it´s good for guys that are often shy and don´t have the courage to approach. If you approach within 3 seconds that you have seen the woman that you want to talk to then you won´t hesitate, become nervous or think like she problary has a boyfriend, I´m not good looking enough or other negative thoughts. If a girl see that you hesitate at first she will think that you have lower value and that you can´t get the girls that you want.

I don´t think that you should lie when you use an opener. Just make a statement or ask her something and be interesting so she will be attracted to you.









negs are not insults you are a prime example of someone who just doesn't get it.

negs are meant to be playful they are not meant to be mean if you are mean then you didn't neg the girl you insulted her if you have ever done playful teasing around a girl then that's a neg if you haven't then you probably are the super nice guy that girls walk all over.



whats crude about playful teasing. if the girl knows your being playful. she will in most cases be playful back. negs when used the right way almost always work. if they don't then your doing something wrong. I've had girls laughing and having fun with me when I use negs. maybe you have the wrong idea of what a neg is. you don't get it. you probably have done them and didn't know it. the problem with people who hate the show and mystery focus on the techniques, when his method has little to do with techniques the concepts work attract build comfort close. every person that ever had any relationship has done this it is what is happening every time and it works every time.



no those are insults in my book. I can agree with you on that for the most part
but there are negs that are not harsh like that.


Negs are fine as long as they're delivered reasonably and don't sound too gay. Some of these negs are so horrible that they would definitely put you in the "friends zone".




"False" time constraints.
"Fake" openers.
"False" DHV's

The MM is designed for fake, shallow, vapid party girls who hook up with different guys every weekend.

Try using some of his "techniques" on genuine women who have their S#!T together and they'll basically laugh at you. Or pity you.

If you want fake women, use MM

If you want real, genuine women, then be real and genuine yourself, not some guy who looks and acts like he escaped from a side show at the circus and uses gimmicks to try to trick girls into bed.

Why do you think he has to come up with even more tricks and gimmicks for "LMR"? (Last Minute Resistance)

These women experience "LMR" because their BS detector is going off and things don't feel right to them, so they look to bail out of the situation, so MM says to use more manipulative tricks and gimmicks to overcome "LMR"

Look at the last episode of Season 2: Mystery had to stock a Mansion full of women at a ratio of like 10:1 (women:men) just to get these guys some "action" after weeks of personal training with Mystery.

How effective is the MM if he had to resort to throwing a party at a Mansion with about 20 women and the final 2 contestants just to get them action?

The fact that Mystery had to "stack the deck" like that shows his method is flawed.

Leave the eyeliner and black nail polish and clown clothes at home and learn how to socialize with women by going out and talking to them and being genuine instead of trying to trick them with gimmicks.

Women have great BS detectors, so leave the BS at home too.



My buddy's girlfriend sells phones at a branch, and she has these guys come in all the time that bust out these MM type lines on her and she just laughs at them! A savvy girl like that, especially one living in SouthernCal, is going to see right through that "bitch-shield" crap.



The Mystery lines don't work anymore. Want to know why? Because of this show. Because of the books. Because of the millions of guys who use them. Scripted line openers are always a bad way to open a girl. Not even Mystery himself uses them. Scripted lines are for Novices. Scripted lines are meant for guys who wouldn't normally even approach or talk to a girl. The MM lines are simply in place for guys who are geting over the hump of approach anxiety.

It's actually not BS. I disagree with the OP. It's just the guy who made this thread is obviously a stud. He has no trouble meeting or talking to women. That's great for him but others are not as lucky. MM was mean't for guys who aren't so great at meeting and talking to women.

Mystery himself was a loser. Some guys are naturals. Other have to work at it.



Some of these dudes try to act like Mystery and use these negs way to early off the bat. It's ok to bust someone's balls a little, but you need to build rapport first.

