MovieChat Forums > Ballet Shoes (2007) Discussion > Will this be on BBC America too?

Will this be on BBC America too?

Does anyone know if this will be played in America?


I hope so because thats the bbc i have!But it will come to dvd like Jane Eyre(with Georgie henley).


Ok, great, thanks!


is it animated or no?

-Stay gold -




i think ig ot it mixed up with
that one about the princess or something
my mistake.

-Stay gold -


so it *will* come to dvd?? I hope so! I love this book!!

coolest words ever:
floccinaucinihilipilification and hippopotmonstrosesquippedaliophobia.


I hope so ,too. Also, will it be at the same time? Chrsitmas Eve? Most of my family will be together this year in the States including my granddaughter, who is in this production, so we would love watching it together.


If its a BBC production it should at least air on PBS' Masterpiece Theater by late 2008.

Be carefull not to get sunburnt, or we will have to rub you down with SPF SEXY!


^I certainly hope so! But knowing my city it might not even be on our PBS...
Hopefully it'll come to dvd. :)


Not everything deon by BBC ends up on Masterpiece Theatre. For example, the BBC mini of Elizabeth's Gaskell's North and South starring Richard Armitage was shown on BBC America. It has never aired on PBS.

I don't care what channel it airs on, as long as we get to see it here in the US. :-)



Yes, but Bleak House was in as a partner on the project during the preproduction stage. They supplied some of the funding and then got the US rights to air it. I haven't heard about a connection between WGBH (Masterpiece Theatre) and this project, if there is one.

It couldn't hurt to email PBS and Masterpiece Theatre -- to make sure they know they would have a solid US audience for this program. If they aren;t already on board, then maybe we'll inspire them to do so! :-)
