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what happens in the books after the end ??

being one of those who has not read the book, i was wondering if any who has can tell us what actually happens to the girls in the other books ? or even in the ballet shoes book, as the tv version is different i've read.

i know the other books are not focusing on the girls mainly but any hints at what happens... does posy make it has a dancer or pauline as a actress in hollywood, or my fav petrova, did she ever fly the roads in the sky ?


In another Noel Streatfield novel, I seem to remember another aspiring ballet dancer (her books tend to be extremely repetitive) mentions "the great Posy Fossil" or something, so we can assume that she did make it as a prima ballerina. I can't remember which though. The only novels of hers that I remember reading recently were Tennis Shoes, Thursday's Child, Far To Go, The Circus Is Coming and the Gemma series. I'm pretty sure it was the latter - the youngest sister is identical to Posy and even does the same getting-herself-before-a-famous-ballet-teacher trick, from memory.

If you do read the book and enjoy it, you'll probably enjoy all her others. They basically all revolve around precocious children in mid-1900s Britain who go into the theatre in some way, or excel in some form of sport.


There is a sort-of sequel called 'Curtain Up', also by Noel Streatfeild, which involves the adult Fossil sisters rallying to support the Children's Academy. I won't spoil it any further, but it's a fun read for those who wondered what the girls got up to later on.

"Stay calm. Be brave. Wait for the signs."
