MovieChat Forums > Ballet Shoes (2007) Discussion > 100 things we learned from Ballet Shoes....

100 things we learned from Ballet Shoes...

1) Reciting Puck with no emotions at all except excessive eyebrow-wiggling will you get a part in an important play.
2) Ripping a piece of paper in two halves will definitely not prevent others from reading it, especially when they're standing right behind you.
3) When in search for a room to rent, by all means insist on putting on your grammaphone and dance while being interviewed.
4) It is possible to fly a plane at low altitude at the age of 14 with an old man who has a wooden leg.

Before I hear great outcrys of "TROLL!", let me just say that I enjoyed this as much as one can enjoy a cute BBC production and there are plenty of positive things to say about everyone's performance, the music and the directing. But come on, pointing out the negative things can be fun too, no? :)


5, leaving the stage without a wrap will gurantee you losing the part
6, a teacher who dies during a ballet will find her star pupil mourning the fact she can no longer dance
7, pauline has trouble getting into character during filming

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


8. There is more than one way to say " And I "

I love Jesus Christ my lord and savior 100%!!


9. Your car is dirty? Just use your theatre costume to clean it.

10. Throwing a tantrum will get you a plane ticket to Czechoslovakia.

11. Asking "what happened to your wife and child" is apparently not prying.


12. If you raise three girls, cry and cough a lot and don't even have a personality, a rich and handsome man will want to marry you and not some other woman with wit and a sense of humor.

13. Being obnoxious, rude and sulky all the time will take you to your goals, whatever they are.

14. When your family is short of money a little talentless acting can come in handy(if by acting you mean being hissed in strings up and down and forced to speak two-word-meanings with enormous discomfort).


15. You can dance as well as any prima ballerina en pointe after just a few weeks ballet training from the very beginning.

16. Pauline is SUPPOSED to have manic eyebrows!

17. If you don't stop eavesdropping at once, you'll be feeling the back of Nana's hairbrush.

18. You can manage to bring a baby in a box all the way home to England from Russia in the 1920s, despite not knowing a thing about them.

19. If Posy has to take one more extra walk at lunchtime again she will be sick...and all over her outdoor shoes...then she won't be able to go anywhere.

"Let us be keen, and rather cut a little, than fall, and bruise to death." Escalus, II, i.


20. Emilia Fox is a very beautiful woman.


21. Smoking is good for your lungs, especially if you have tuberculosis, (thanks for those words of wisdom, Nana!)
22. Professional ballet dancers practice in Romantic tutus, not leotards/practice dresses.


23.) Tying your sister to a tree and scalping her is no big deal, the adults around you find it funny actually

If we get any more white people in here this is gonna be a suburb.


24.) It's okay, nobody needs to darn the toes of their pointe shoes in the 1930s- everybody can afford to buy pair after pair after pair, despite not having enough money to afford new audition dresses.

"Joey ate my last stick of gum, so I killed you think that was wrong?"


25. The SECOND you advertise rooms for rent you manage to get 3 lots of people who are all PERFECT and get on with each other. Ahhhh.


26. Babies will grow into girls as time goes by.
27. If an actress is only passionate about acting, there's no hope.


28. You're born&raised poor as hell and still speak posh right off the bat.
29. When you do your first non-Potter project, uncle Vernon _must_ be in it.
30. Heavy breathing & constipated expression = perfect reaction to every situation.
31. OMG, Hermione got kneecaps! (sowwy, couldn't restist)

"Never finish what you can't start!" ;)


32. Around the same time as you realise you can no longer afford to send your girls to school, 2 trained retired teachers will move into your house and decide they don't want to stop teaching. Convenient much?

Silly Caucasian girl likes to play with samurai swords.


33. You can make an entire movie about needing new dresses.

34. You can make an entire movie about girls throwing tantrums because they need a new dress.

35. A piece of material costs more then we have.

36. Breathing heavily is a form of acting. People will praise you.

37. Good things happen to the self-centred.


25) Little poor girls do not have to polish their own shoes. Their sick benefactor will take care of this for them.

26) A woman who I assume is a paid housekeeper is considered a necessity (she answers the door when Sylvia and Nana first arrive, and is with them when they are having to sell the house). Either that or she is so altruistic that she works for free once the family starts to have no money to support themselves.

27) If you let your family get in dire financial straights and decide to rent out rooms to get by, your tenants will serendipitously be a future husband, a set of tutors and a woman who knows a way to legally allow your children to work by the age of 12 (I think it was).

28) No one but the already famous actress in the Pauline role is interesting enough to add to the bonus features. And thus we should give her a very long time to talk about her feelings, past work, future work, getting to work with other Harry Potter actors and of course a small blurb on her new relationship with the Ballet Shoes story.

29) Because you know that your mother gave you away (along with a pair of ballet shoes) it is understandable that you should be so stubborn and angry to run away when it looks like your training might stop. And of course you are SO talented that someone wants to train you in Czechoslovakia. (hey at least she had a plan when she ran away).

30) When everything is in crisis and it looks like there will be no where else to turn... GUM comes back and saves the day!


she didn't die lol


38) There were black film directors in the 1930's

39) Female math and English teachers are closet homosexuals

40) Young red-headed girls are psychopathic.

41) An attractive bachelor will marry an orphaned, poor, and deathly-ill woman who has three orphaned daughters of her own (see #12).

42) Money is the solution to all of life's problems.

P.S. lol at #'s 4 and 12-14.


"There were black film directors in the 1930's "

Good call; my husband pointed that one out as well.

I don't think the ballet teacher died, as the redhead was crying because she'd had a stroke and couldn't move her arm and leg -- I can only assume that when you're dead you have a lot more body parts that won't move, either ;)

Don't threaten ME with a dead fish!
reg: 4/4/00 | posts: 1895


#43 Being described in writing as Russian, pale, and sallow with a short, smooth black bob will naturally mean that you ought to be played by an olive skinned actress posessing long curly, slightly frizzy hair and the distinct appearance of having Spanish or Italian heritage.


#44: When you are punished for being horrendously selfish, the best thing to do is to commit an even more selfish act, which is also quite dangerous. This will result in no repercussions, and will absolve you from your previous punishment.
#45: When you become heart-broken by a man from whom you expected a “question” (which I took to be a proposal), it is easy to bounce back within mere minutes, that is if a past stalker (who was “missing bits” and if I remember correctly probably “mad”) shows up in the form of a talent agent for your friend’s child.
#46: If you are a talented young actress, known for her ability to wiggle her eyebrows, and you are trying to teach your sister how to say two words “properly,” it is best to force her to wear a fairy costume while cleaning a car.
#47: If you ask a widower about his dead family, he will marry you.


#48: If your relative who has been declared legally dead shows up out of the blue after 12 years, no one will question it or think it strange as long as he brings along the perfect solution with him


LOL! you guys are too good!


#49 You can carry a baby around in a bag, and get it home without anyone noticing.

#50 You can make 6 stockinette vests, 6 royal blue cotton rompers, 6 tarlatan ballet dresses, 6 white knickers and 6 black sateen elocution overalls all by monday.


51. Mickey Stone and Danny Blue LIVE! (For all you fellow Hu$tle fans)

52. Selling petrified animal remains is a great way to support a growing family.

53. Best all-around students get the extremely short end of the stick.

54. If you audition for the part of Alice in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, you must wear a ribbon in your hair, just so.

55. It's got NOTHING, whatsoever to do with TALENT, and it's SO UNFAIR!

56. Having one handsome, young, single man living in a house full of unmarried women and girls was totally not scandalous in the 1930s.




61. Take a bath with your sister. It'll make you feel much better.


62. Oscar Micheaux is remembered as a pioneering Black film director, while Mr. Sholsky, a Black movie director in the 1930's, who overcame not only society of the time, but also Britian's then rigid class system, is all but forgotten.


63. Everyone will be delighted to see the elderly uncle who suddenly shows up, despite him having disappeared for several years, leaving financial problems, his house to run, and three unrelated children he brought home that someone else will have be responsible for.

64. Of course the baby could breathe, with the zipper of the bag closed all the way.

65. There were absolutely no living relatives of those children who could be tracked down to care for them, and they did not end up in the care of the state.

I'm a cherry ghost



66. If your ballet instructor has a stroke, don't worry about her, worry about how you will continue your training

Would you rather have a shiny inflatable alligator or dull inflatable alligator?(in-joke)


67. Showing bare knees in public in 1930's London was simply scandalous!

68. It doesn't take much to get the lead in "Alice in Wonderland". All you need is a pretty face....blonde hair...IT'S JUST NOT FAIR I TELL YOU, IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!



haha 71 is awesome!



73.) If you're having trouble getting a line right in a film... heave your chest a lot. This will make the line seem perfect.

-she does that a lot in harry potter :/

Maximum Ride
T~O -Yeah, one of them
Hi! I'm Sharon


74) When you adopt a child from Russia you are free to mix up her first and last names and use any of them as you wish (in reality, "Petrova" is a Russian female last name, meaning "a daughter of Petr/Peter", it was never ever used as a first name).


74. If you refuse to speak to a Russian in Russian, eventually he will speak to you in English and offer you a job.

75. The best way for a rich man to hang onto his money is to live in a cheap rooming house and wash his own car.

76. There can never be too much bosom talk when you have yet to grown your own.

77. One way to ensure you will be a more amazing dancer than your teacher is to wait until she has a stroke.

78. An easier way to get your name in a history book is to find a history book and write your name in it.

79. The best actress is the one who can convincingly play one with no talent.

80. Zero to forty in three minutes is hot hot hot.

81. Hermione in a see-nothing bathtub scene is more magical than Potter naked on Broadway. (Frau Blucher!)


your spot on with number 79 . yasmin rocks !


82. A 6 year old and a 3 year old are the same height (2 kids running around in scene of Posy's arrival)

83. The middle child will wear the same sweater for years. It will still fit her and she doesn't mind at all.

84. You can make 5 years of money in the bank last three times as long.

85. Borax doesn't actually get rid of a sty.



87. You can have a movie called The Ballet Shoes and feature an acting student in the lead role, and practically forget about the ballet student for whole sections of the story.
