
Winifred is supposed to be the best all-around student the academy has ever had...but in all of the scenes she seems terrible. In the tap scene when we first see her, Winifred's chin is exaggeratedly (if that's even a word..) raised. And she didn't seem very good in the audition for Alice. Is all of this on purpose? Am I missing something?

Also, I'm curious as to the social-economic status of Winifred's family. I'm assuming the academy is costly, but her references to her dress and its appearance hints at a lower SES. Would she be she one of the girls that Madaam took in free of charge?


winnifrid was from a very poor family, completely unspoilt and quite talented. she was usually passed over for roles because she wasn't pretty enough. they changed the character to the complete opposite in the adaptation


Winifred is an all round good student who is sort of a Jill of All Trades. But her family is very poor so she tends to look very shabby at auditions. Plus up against the stunningly beautiful Pauline, she doesn't quite measure in terms of charisma

I'm gonna die of long hair!
