5/10: Underrated.


To be a b-movie this try reaches far, allmost all the way - by keeping it simple.

As with everything else the meaning of it is open for debate (would be nice if the writer could correct me, as needed?).
I take this as the search for inner peace through happiness and enlightment, this manifested through the path of what a synical would call love. What others might simply call, being.
The path his father has taken through religion to inner peace is a red line throughout the movie. This is shown as rules set up by the main character based on the lessons given by the father.
The stick figure presents himself as a lesser self, this is during the time it takes to reach the goal and the path he wants to go. It very well illustrates the mood of the movie.
The twist on the end diminishes the trip just taken for the line of circles life really can be seen as, inner peace in all its glory - at the end of the day you're just a stick figure that will burn up.

Then Peter Stormare surprisingly appears in one of his "usual" strange characters (Fargo, Constantine, Bad Boys 2...).
