this move is going to suck!

damn movies glorifying brain dead thugs like rai fazio, he probably had someone killed to get funding for this.


Wow thats a great comment. Only a brain dead thug could think of something like that. Are you so desperate for attention that all you do is abuse movies that you haven't even seen. Rai Fazio doesn't play a major role, sure he wrote the film but it was directors and producers that were battling for funding and in the end most of the funding came from private investors. Stop wasting your time.



I think you'd find Taylor that Ray Fazio is also the Producer, and he was pretty much solely responsible for sourcing and gaining most of the funding from investors. I read a detailed interview with him regarding this movie over a year ago.

Even if it does suck, one thing for sure is that this movie's going to be whole heap better than the self indulgent depressing bogan films that have dominated the Australian film industry for the last 5-10 years!


Yea.. 'private investors'.... I wonder who..?


Well actually Screen Australia put up (and presumably lost) nearly half of the film's budget. So yeah, Australian taxpayers all lose out.🐭
