worst posse ever

could there have possibly been a worse posse ever assembled for a movie? Everyone else rolled with a well dressed crew of adults, but Channing was rolling with a whack crew with a median age of 14. They also drove a caravan. Ridiculous. Also They didn't bring anything to the table.


This film was so bad, Terrence Howard was whispering the whole time. I was high when I watched it and was laughing the whole time. I loved to hate it.



I thought Terrance howard - Harvey was a pedophile.. What kind of mid 40s man hangs out with a group of teenage boys....


YOU are a pedophile


Haha, its true. That little five foot tall wigger. At the end where he says "Yo Harvey...VIP." That was some funny sh!tt This whole slow, stupid-ass movie had a wigger ghetto wanna be vibe to it. And the fight scenes sucked.
