Why the f-word...

WHY THE F!@# is everybody so pissed off because of the dinosaurs in this movie.

Doesn't anyone know anymore to enjoy a movie without questioning everything in it.

It's like we're living in an idiotic society where 90% of the people are douchebags swearing and cursing everyone because they like a movie.

I don't see how this (the dinosaurs) bothers almost everyone.

If you don't want your child to get some entertainment from a movie that's meant to do so, then you really are an *beep*

I just hope there are people like me who know the difference between a MOVIE and actual history.

Go and enjoy this movie and stop complaining about it.



EDIT: By the way, I am in no way defending this movie. It has its faults, sure.



One day people will hopefully understand that Hollywood has every right to tell stories that make no sense and were probably scribbled on a piece of toilet paper one afternoon. Not every movie can be The Godfather; sometimes movies are meant to be mindless entertainment, even if they aren't entertaining. Why is it that people have to complain every time a studio tries to pull a cheap cash-in? It's entertainment people! The whole point is to leave the theater feeling ripped off; that's what movies are SUPPOSED to do. What are people expecting these days, thought-out stories told by people who actually have something to say? I'm with you on this one, vnh_colt. The only way to enjoy movies is to turn your brain off and pretend you're having a good time.

These people are so freaking whiny it's beyond belief.


I'm so sick of the herd mentality that dominates the effete corps of impudent snobs who press themselves on us with THEIR stupid bland tastes. Why do these people always use The Godfather as the prototypical example of an outstanding movie. That thing sucked plum pits off tables at 20 paces and yet it's always the holy grail of the movie making art. Fer pity's sake, pick something else, why don'cha?? Wow, Marlon Brando plays...Marlon Brando(!). Watch him chew scenery and mumble his way through yet another flick--and this one with dentist's swabs stuffed into his cheeks. Think about him hollering "Stelllaaaaaahhh" or whining "Icoulddabinnacontendahh" to Lee J. Cobb and see if every one of Corleone's lines in The Godfather don't sound EXACTLY like these two I've just named from totally different movies. Go on. Try it. Better yet, pick another flick.

"I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit...just to make sure..."


Dude, you're right about The Godfather. I was just using it 'cause, like, the snobs think it's awesome. That movie was so boring that my friend Magillicutty had to keep kicking himself in the nuts to keep the two of us amused. There's, like, no explosions and stuff, only talking and character development and crap. Also, the cinematography was mediocre; the shots went on waaaaaayyyy too long and were pretty boring. It needed a lot more extreme closeups and quick cuts, so we know something intense is happening. And I liked all the lens flares in Star Trek; they should have used more lens flares. But the worst part is that Marlon Brando just played Marlon Brando. He was a lot younger than his character at the time, but he's still Marlon Brando being Marlon Brando. Which is what you'd expect from Marlon Brando. Like you said. Marlon Brando.

I wasn't really talking about The Godfather in my last post, but you're right about it being boring. It's true that you didn't give any real reasons why, but when a movie sucks you don't have to. These snobs need to see REAL movies like Crank 2 (f*k yeah!) and Transformers: Revenge of the Sith. These wimpy-ass art movies are so bland that every time I try watching them, I want to kick myself in the nuts. That's pretty hard to do, though, so I don't try very often. Any way, I'm glad that someone else understands movies like I do. Films are meant to entertain us and help us turn our brains off. I mean, I only crawl out of the sewer to see a film, like, once a week, and I want it to be fun. This whole "artistic" thing has got to stop; didn't Hollywood learn anything from No Countries for Old Man? They started off good, but abandoned the awesome serial killer showdown just to show an old man mumble. Just like that Corleone guy. I'm sure you hated that ending as much as me. Except I probably hated it a little more.

What's good about people like us, hanoumaki, is that we only try to look at the surface of movies. We don't go up our own asses looking for subtext and crap. The thing is that if we don't notice something, that means it isn't there. It doesn't mean that audiences are picking up on something that we happened to overlook; it just means they're just jumping on the bandwagon and seeing something that doesn't exist. It goes back to that herding thing. Like you said.

Marlon Brando!


Transformers: Revenge of the Sith????

" Look, there's two women fuc*ing a polar bear!" - Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas 1998


You guys do realize Thedictator-1 is being sarcastic, right?

www.alienexperience.com- great Alien/Predator forum!


A few lines of sarcasm are funny just because its sarcasm.
But, when you write a whole non-funny essay filled with sarcasm. Its irritating.
Imagine a person talking sarcastically for a very long time. I just feel like punching the face just to make him/her shut-up.

A nature loving atheist


I thought it was pretty funny. Either way, the fact that he can write a whole essay filled with sarcasm and *still have people take him seriously* is hilarious.


heh... An entire post of sarcasm and irony, and all you got was that he wrote the title of Transformers wrong. Which, by the way, was on purpose.


Godfather is the film that regular movie-goers think is awesome. a clockwork orange is a movie that snobs think is awesome.


You know,you two really don't need to hate the Godfather just because it's renowned for it's grandeur quality. I understand exactly what you mean, I just feel you're being a little harsh on the Godfather. Yes, there is A LOT of talking and not much happens but there is something aesthetically pleasing about the film. Not my favourite I'll admit but go easy, it's still fanatastic.


I am so in love with you right now its not even funny. Oh the magical powers of perfectly stitched sarcasm....


The good thing about you and me Hanumaki???????
Besides having just discovered hot water are "you 2"the populite version of Ernst & Eber dividing moviegoers into 2 new brand new subsocial strata snobs and the rest me and thine moviegoers????
this is an (anti)classic,let me guess you watch haneke,Herzog and Tarkowski and experienced a jealously kept secret outer body milky way walkbout(Farell gives a vivid image in Brothers talking to Reilly after performing his song) in front of your tube?
Cos the subtitles were cool and matched the way you were dressing and the song reminded you of that summer were you lost it(or gave it,depending on the gender)???
Making cheaper then thou paragons with Clockwork orange not being for the "mainstream''?
Id say circus is for clowns just as jockstraps are for Kubricks flick,if you 2 follow my drift,I get it,the human species sometimes rejects its own,but there is no need to despair and drown your sorrows in a Thread dedicated to a kidz animation movie,there are dolphins,pandas,chameleons and rare dragonflies to save,id say you start to seriously thinking about your future


marlon brando!




thedictator-1 really does think he is the cream of the intellects doesnt he? what a sore loser!
Ice age may have been bad, havent seen it.. fair enough. But star trek?! for jebus sakes, that was the only satisfying movie out this summer and i am not even a trekkie.



I didn't say that Star Trek was bad, just that I liked all the really extreme close-ups and lens flares. I don't know what you mean by "cream of intellects," but if what you're trying to say is that I'm one of the few people who knows everything, then thank you. But I sort of already knew that!


...not every movie can be The Godfather"...

Haha, and thank God for that...

Since when was animated movies historically correct, right? I mean, the whole concept of TALKING ANIMALS is idiotic enough in the first place if you want to question the reality and correctness of the movies. Great entertainment, some really funny moments, like for example Sids obsession with the damn eggs!


These posters are starting to remind me of the posters on the "Barnyard" site. Every other post over there is " THE BOY COWS HAVE UDDERS!!!!!". If inaccuracies like these bother you, stick to The National Geographic movies.Or, better still, to get a better idea of what dinosaurs did, watch The Flintstones. Everyone knows dinosaurs were used by cavemen for household appliances :). Bottom line- it's a cartoon, folks, it's not supposed to be historically accurate.




I think its more that 90% of the INTERNET DWELLING community are arrogant douchebags who have nothing better to do than find fault in everything.





I actually feel sorry for the folks that find even the smallest fault with a movie. They are not able to just sit down and enjoy the ride. These people don't understand that some movies don't need to make sense to enjoy them. Look at Airplane. One of the funniest movies and makes no sense at all. Who cares that "The external shots of the aircraft used are of a Boeing 707. The interior flight deck is of a Douglas DC-9." when you are laughing at the jokes.




Look at the children's classic The Land Before Time (The original only please), in that film a Apatosaurus, Triceratops, Stegasaurus, Parasaurolophus, and Pteranadon all journey together to reach the Great Valley and are stalked by a Tyrannosaurus Rex. There is no way all these Dinosaurs could have traveled together. Apatosaurus and Stegasaurus died millions of years before the others. However, this is not a fact that stops this movie being an all time classic. Both adults and children can both enjoy it as I still do. Children tend to think of all Dinosaurs living together but as the grow up they learn that is not the case. Do they all complain to their parents screaming that they were lied to? No they don't. They look back on their old experiences and move on, hopefully with fond memories.

In Ice Age many of the animals seen on the screen also could not have lived together as some died out before the others. It's a film designed to entertain. If you want something historically correct, watch the Discovery Channel.


My only complaint about it is that at first the movies were original, being set in that time period but not featuring dinosaurs. Adding in dinosaurs just takes away what made Ice Age more unique. But in the previews one of the guys says, to a dinosaur, "aren't you supposed to be extinct?" Implying that they (writers and characters in the movie) know that dinosaurs shouldn't be around.

I'm not gonna see this though, I just came here to see what was up with that little eye-patch guy.

"Friends! Help! A guinea pig tricked me!"


Perhaps movies are everything that you people want to enjoy today for being so abscent from your actual lives. So instead of turning your brain off turn off the screen that keeps you addicted to things that you want to understand when you cannot as no one can. There is an experience you can learn to understand and that's the moment you live. By sucking up this "entertainment" you allow that moment to pass and, BAM, you die unhappy. This isn't something that is forced upon you, it's simply a choice. As movies are just big commercials today they don't give that choice to anyone for they only want to sell and not really help in maturing people.


I really don't see why people think that only snobs like The Godfather? I like The Godfather but I also like mindless movies like Pineapple Express. Crank 2 sucked and so does Transformers. All the Crank movies are just like the Transporters flicks the only difference is in the Transformers movies, the ugly british guy has to keep other people alive and in the Crank movies, he has to keep himself alive. Other than that it's basically the same. Transformers, it just sucks. Shia LeBouf is a terrible actor and all his characters just get on your nerves. Certain movies need character development and others just need explosions. As for the new Ice Age movie, who the hell cares if there are dinosaurs and if it's not historically accurate? The movie looks cute and entertaining! I'm definitely going to go see it!

Vampires are so overrated. Werewolves and Zombies kick ass!


So many wonderful cliches on this board...all the brilliant ones like "Go watch the Discovery Channel." You *beep* People are not complaining to be nerdy and highbrow. I think that aaabt person put it best in saying the other movies were unique coz they touched on a time that has not had a heckuva lot of treatment in movies. I did not know about the "extinct" comment, so now this intrigues me.

Of course I intend to "enjoy the ride." I would not want to disappoint another cliche...

Everybody likes the Shen.


I always thought the Ice Age films were reconstructive documentaries.
If this one isn't historically accurate I shall boycott it at all costs!

You Can't Drink A Pint Of Bovril..


Guys... the freaking woolly mammoth can talk. There are more pressing inaccuracies than the timeline.

That said, I do enjoy having accuracy in the details of movies. The only reason I knew that albatrosses have webbed feet is because I saw both of the Rescuers movies. It helped me out in Trivial Pursuit once.


@ seppo-sihvo

Perhaps movies are everything that you people want to enjoy today for being so abscent from your actual lives. So instead of turning your brain off turn off the screen that keeps you addicted to things that you want to understand when you cannot as no one can. There is an experience you can learn to understand and that's the moment you live. By sucking up this "entertainment" you allow that moment to pass and, BAM, you die unhappy. This isn't something that is forced upon you, it's simply a choice. As movies are just big commercials today they don't give that choice to anyone for they only want to sell and not really help in maturing people.

What? For a second there I thought you were like FOX news but against Hollywood.
You know, being subjective and all that.

How can you say ENTERTAINMENT (The action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment) is taking away your happiness?

I mean that doesn't make sense any way you're looking at it. It's not like someone is making us watch the movie with a gun to our heads. Most people watch movies because they are fun, or make you think. I don't want to sound arrogant, but there are so few people around me with which I can actually have an intelligent conversation that I turn to other mediums to stimulate myself.

You're basically calling everyone watching movies a no-lifer. (yeah, that kinda makes you a douchebag)

On a side note, you have a hobby right?

Well then, your hobby sucks and you are a pathetic shell of a human being who watches as his life flies past him, and you should feel bad!

ALL of this, just because I SAID SO!

Gotta love the internet.


This was an unabashed, simply enjoyable "family" film - finally! My 7yr.-old son and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Some good, simple messages, enjoyable chuckles, and fun 'action.' (His grandfolks took him to Up, so I can't comment on a comparison.) After Transformers, and god-forbid Land of the Lost, such a pleasant diversion & relief! See me review it together with my son, at: www.youtube.com/gabndad


The first "Ice Age" movie was hilarious, loved the characters, the humour, the story and the animation, as well as the actors who so lovingly embodied the main characters, Manny, Diego and Sid, as well as that crazed squirrel rat thing, the Scratt. By the second installment though the franchise had lost its edge and some of its humour, but was still enjoyable.

This third and hopefully last outing for the pre-historic franchise, was really unecessary, quite weak and only mildly entertaining. Sure there were a few funny moments (when Sid tries to milk somekind of cow, but ends up being mistaken about the animal's actual sex, a joke that adults will get but will fly over most kids heads).

I really wasn't interested in them having families and kids, and cribs for their kids and playgrounds...if there is a sign that a movie series is running out of steam, kids and wives will do it everytime. Don't get me wrong it is sweet and the idea is quite allright, but really, do we have to be preached to, about the value of having a spouse and children.

In this one they didn't use the scalpel to spread the message, but a jackhammer. Ok, allright, I get it! Diego is a miserable bastard because he doesn't have children and a wife, while Sid has to borrow a family to feel validated. It is better to die inside slowly, be castrated and bereft of any passion, imagination and sense of being alive, but hell if you have a family, all that nonesense does not matter...another bullsh*t idea spewed by a society which has developed a fetish with families and children... Hey if Madonna adopts children, I should too if I can't have my own! Its the latest fad now... Having a family is no longer a matter of choice, but a must, no matter the consequences. In a few years we'll all go back to chihuahuas in a purse, they are sure cheaper than kids and don't crap as much!

If you want to see an animated movie, that is sweet, smart, funny and does not treat its audiences as a bunch of brain dead automatons, then I would recommend "UP". It also has a positive message, it is touching, and imparts a lot of valuable lessons to both children and adults, but without hitting them over their heads with them. I have not see "WALL-E", but "UP" is certainly the best animated movie since "Monsters Inc.", "A Bug's Life and "Finding Nemo" and "The Incredibles". "Ice Age" was better when the cast of characters was smaller, as the cast grew so the movies became less and less funny...you need an example, just ask "Shrek"!

At least the Scratt did not compromise and dispatched that annoying bitch he found...but still lost his nut (or nuts depending on your take) in the process! I laughed at that the hardest, amidst dissaproving glares from a bunch of f **king do-gooders...


"Today is the tomorrow I was so worried about yesterday"--Anthony Hopkins


It`s a movie about talking animals and people are concerned about historical accuracy...... May I suggest to those to pick up a book and not look at animated movies for their education?
