Princess Bride homage

Princess Bride - Westley gives Vizzinni (played by Wallace Shawn) IOCANE - a (fictional) toxin, extremely poisonous.

Skip forward to 2010's Jack and the Beanstalk remake and Jack takes his computer game (C.O.W) to an Old Curiosity Shop to trade. He trades the "COW" for some magic beans; but before being offered the magic beans, the shop's owner (played by Wallace Shawn) offers Jack some IOCANE powder, before backtracking and saying "No. Too poisonous..."

I Suggest A New Strategy... Let The Wookie Win


I caught Evil Dead and Empire Strikes Back references as well.
The Ivy vines in the maze say "Join Us" and the entire Giant talking to foot soldier was all about "Father" ( voiced by James Earl Jones).


There was a rather lot of homage to The Princess bride as well as Monty Python as well.

It's that man again!!
