MovieChat Forums > The Colour of Magic (2008) Discussion > Nigel Planer should have played Rincewin...

Nigel Planer should have played Rincewind

I love David Jason.. he's a great actor and he was a perfect "Albert" in Hogfather, but he's far too naturally self-confident to play Rincewind (in Colour of Magic). Nigel Planer's nervous wizard Sideney in Hogfather was so much closer to how I would have imagined Rincewind though, shaking with fear and cowardice and having meltdowns about how unfair life is etc.

Also, while I'm nitpicking, the wizards were all far too thin! And Death's voice, although good, needed even more monotonous GRAVITAS (James Earl Jones' voice, with additional special effects perhaps?). Generally the two movies were, in terms of design and imagery very well done; they got the best they could have out of the obviously limited budget, but the slow pacing nearly ruined the movies; the Discworld books are so wonderfully over the top; some over-acting, shouting, mayhem and fast paced scenes would have been somehow more appropriate! As it was, it seemed that the characters were muttering to themselves and generally half asleep rather than going mental as they tend to do in the books.


Completely agree, Planer would be perfect as Rincewind.
And yes, the pacing of these films are really 'dumbed down' It should be far more chaotic. It's like they're filming a soap-opera instead of a fast-paced comedy.


I had always thought Nigel Planer would have been an ideal Rincewind too.

I was happy with Christopher Lee providing Deaths voice however.

Chris Thorpe

"The lore of the mind counts further than the words of the mouth."


Daves like a blast from the past for me. Danger Mouse... which right now sounds more like the narrator which he also did for the show.
Books are meant to be read, if not, they'll die and so will we!


Frankly, anybody should have been Rincewind other than David Jason, who is about 40 years too old!

Otherwise I agree with your post entirely. I can't watch this one without falling asleep, while Hogfather is a yearly Christmas movie for us and Going Postal gets a rewatch several times a year, usually when our USPS screws something up and reminds us of the AM PO.


Yes. david jason was quite unsuitable for The part. Nigel Planer as he was in Hogfather looked just right for Rincewind.
