Murray! *Spoilers*

Am the only one the shed a few tears when Murray the cat died? :( It reminded me of my kittie Buttons J. Pussycat and when he died. Murray looked like a fatter version of Buttons' dad, who's name was Tiger.

R.I.P. America, 1776 - 2008
Bring back Scott & Charlene to Neighbours


It reminded me of when I had to put my very much loved 15 1/2 yr old cat Rio to sleep 2 years ago. Yeah- I shed a tear- because it brought back memories of watching the light go out of his brilliant emerald eyes.



Sorry Kosh2260, But I think you are the pathetic one here. Sure she is a lonely lady and she has a great love for her cat. But there is nothing wrong about that. And George was also there because she was her friend. Don't you remember the episode when George took Delores to the vets and waited with her. Also you don't sound like a Dead Like Me fan to begin with.


Agree. Delores was a second mother figure to George, and they leaned on each other a lot both inside and out of the office.
Much like Rube was her second father figure, though that was much more obvious.

George would have been at that funeral anyway, but the others were there to see Cameron shot into space.

PS - If Delores feels that a silver jar for Murray's ashes was an extravagance, who the hell paid to have a cat's ashes shot into space? That's a minimum of $5000 right there.


written by - Kosh2260
Dolores Herbig is a pathetic character. Her obsession with her cat just proves that she has nothing and no one in her life to care about her. the only reason George was there was to use the cat's "burial" to get rid of Cameron.
I wonder if it comforted her to know that if she died, alone in her apartment with Murray, that he'd just wind up eating her corpse?

Yes, Dolores is a caricature and probably a satirical construct of the type of person who is really too attached to her pets. However, one cannot ridicule the love she feels for her animals. I don't consider myself a pathetic person, and I would NOT act like Dolores, but I am definitely a softy for beloved pets. Losing our loved pets is pretty traumatizing, and can be nearly as much as losing loved ones who are human. Say what you may about Dolores being pathetic (she very well may be), your cynicism about people's love for their pets shows a lack of compassion or at least empathy for the feelings of others.

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.


Murray kinda reminds me of a skinnier version of my cat Rocky. Yeah, I was sad... :(

If the show comes back it'll be weird having Delores not talk about Murray all the time... Maybe she'll get a new kitty?

RIP Murray Herbig. <3

I really hate my username... :|


Delores has her website to keep her company, "Getting Things Done with Delores". Kinda creepy she installed cameras around her studio...


Of course she'll get another cat

And George will be visiting that 'creepy' apartment with the cameras. That really was strange.

One thing I like about DLM is that there's no formula that each episode has to follow. In way too many shows even if you don't know the specific plot twist at the act transition you know the type of twist that has to happen for that show. With DLM that was minimized - the main plot developments / subplot arcs unfolded and you never knew what was going to happen.

Delores and her apartment one such twist - and seeing it thru Georgia's eyes / voiceover really made it.


You have to admit the scene where the guy on the computer is getting off watching Delores wash and clean her dishes, "Oh yeah, yeah baby, make them squeaky clean, yeah. Now use the hand towels..."


LOL hojohn. That scene was freaky.

I'll admit, when Murray died I was completely sad =(

Especially durring the funeral and Deloras gave her speach.
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Yep. My sister and I both cried at the death of Murray. We thought of our darling kitty Erik, gone these six years in July.

Cats are the coolest!

What knockers!
Oh, thank you, doctor.


I would have like that Murray died on that day at the vet (season2). It was funny (with dolores tazering that guy) and i really sympathized with Dolores. With the PetReaper to take Murray's soul!

I don't remember really feeling the loss of Murray in the movie.

I have to re-watch the movie... I only watched it once.

NIKITA : "Elle était murée la fenêtre"
BOB : "Bien sûr qu'elle était murée"


I just watched the movie a 2nd time before returning it to the library (VERY cool library!).

Yes - I cried (I've been there in person too many times...).

Yes - cats are the coolest!

I loved what they did with Delores' character and details like the apartment.
Her website was just over-the-top, in a very good way. Great T.V.!


I tear up no matter when any pet dies in a movie...unless it's a movie like "Dead Alive" where it's completely over the top.


I didn't cry because we knew he was going to die, and so many people died during the series.

But the scene of his (and Cameron's) ashes being shot into space reminded me of the 1965 movie "The Loved One". The owners of a cemetery wanted to do something else with the land, so they started shooting corpses into "orbits of eternal grace".

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.
