So is a third one no longer happening?

__ _ -


I'm assuming it's not, because you'd think we'd have heard something about it by now. But never say never, I suppose. The first one was a great deal of fun for a family movie, and this one had a few good things (mainly the returning actors and Amy Adams who stole the show), so I was hoping for a third film, just for fun.

I supppose if there's no new news within a year, we can assume it ain't happening, because once 5 or 6 years pass, it's generally not going to happen.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


In this movie's commentary, they said they were planning one, but as 2012 has now come and gone and we haven't even heard about the making of a third one, we can assume it's over. It's a shame too because I really love these movies.

Harry's heart did beat for us, for all of us. It's not over.


I think so. Here is an article I just found: r-christmas-2014-release?utm_campaign=ign+main+twitter&utm_source= twitter&utm_medium=social

~Why am I the only person that has that dream~


It should be called Night at the Museum 3 From Paris With Louvre.


This is a very late reply but I'd just like to say that i wished that they had gone with your title- it's perfect!


How about Night at the Museum 3 Madrid: The Devil Wears Prado ?

(The museum in Spain is called the "Prado".)

(Edit: And one of my favorite pieces is there, the "The Garden of Earthly Delights" by Hieronymous Bosch, full of weird animals and Adam and Eve and Hell and demons - you can imagine the fun that would be for Stiller.


Nope we will never get a 3rd movie


We already did lol


I'm from the future.. Yeah it happened you idiot.
