MovieChat Forums > My Sister's Keeper (2009) Discussion > Why do Liberals love death?

Why do Liberals love death?

Why do liberals love death?

This whole movie was about death. So it's a noble thing to be selfish when your sister is dying? This is a sick, twisted liberal message.

This is why liberals love abortion and they fight tooth and nail for an axe murderer who killed 20 people on death row.

I thought I was about to watch a good movie and the whole thing was about how good and noble it is to be selfish and how great it is to let your sister die that you say you love.

This movie had a terrible message of death. This is why liberals wanted end of life counseling to tell the elderly to kick the bucket. It's like Obama told the one lady, her mom should have taken the pain pill instead of surgery. Even though the surgery saved her mothers life.

It's sad, but liberals love death unless you're a serial killer then they will fight for you until the end.

Isn't it compassionate to want to save your sisters life? What a twisted, sick message.

Even the Judge was dealing with the death of her daughter and the message was death is death.

Liberals LOVE death.


***spoiler alert***

Wow, have you ever had surgery? After having several of my parts removed (appendix, and I let the rest go with an et cetera), I can tell you, it is painful, and by my mid-30s, the last one literally sucked the life out of me for a month... I couldn't catch my breath... And I was a faithful exerciser before that last one.

I had a spinal tap in my 20s as well, twice actually, because the first doctor f--ked it up and failed to get a sample. I am unsure as far as a comparison, but the spinal tap, including the same positioning seen in the movie, was very painful but I returned to work that day, albeit with a limp. I have heard the getting bone marrow is worse.

As Anna's lawyer stated, How did any of the numerous medical procedures benefit her? Kate, yes. Anna, no. (including one with an extended stay for a "complication")

Just because the medical techniques and money are available to do procedures, should we? I feel that is the central question. Remember, in the movie version, Kate wanted Anna to refuse procedures as a way for Kate to get out of her near-lifelong fight for survival, with procedure on top of procedure on top of chemo and radiation and on and on. Kate was tired but could not bring herself to tell her mother to let her go...that making it way past a life expectancy of age 5 was miracle enough.


This is my point.

Who are liberals to determine the quality of someone's life?

Liberals love death when it comes to suicide or abortion. They see this as compassionate. When it comes to a serial killer they fight tooth and nail to give them every comfort known to man. It's a truly twisted ideology that can't stand the freedom for others to choose their quality of life.

Liberals would have supported Hitler if he would have gassed people according to their worth to the state.

Listen to Progressive George Bernard Shaw

This is why liberals wanted end of life counseling and Obama told that lady her mother should have taken pain pills instead of surgery.

These radical progressives have to convince themselves that they are being "compassionate" because their views are so ghoulish.



>>>This is why liberals wanted end of life counseling and Obama told that lady her mother should have taken pain pills instead of surgery.<<<<

Please provide evidence to substantiate these claims.

Why are conservatives in so much denial and fear of death?



Funny how those who claim to be so sure that there's life after death, and they'll go to "sugar-candy mountain" are so afraid of death and in such denial, like if death were not the inevitable fact of life that it indeed is. If we can be sure of anything in this world is that everybody dies.

...and about the movie, I think the only messed up part is how the mother raised a child to be an organ donor just to prolong the painful life of her sick sister.

Liberals love death when it comes to suicide

Letting death happen naturally when you do not want to go on suffering is not suicide. Not doing so when there isn't a chance to get cured is just pointless torture. If I were as dumb as the OP I would ask him why do conservatives love torture?

"Beat on the brat, Beat on the brat, with a baseball bat Oh yeah"


Your first post was too hilarious to answer, but I'll try this one. Liberals weren't judging the quality of anyone's life. Kate was judging her own quality of life and she'd had enough. Who else can judge it if not her?

Had the kidney transplant been a guaranteed save then maybe she would have gone for it. But it was most likely just going to be another in a string of procedures that wouldn't do anything - I've forgotten the medical details but even without the renal failure she still had leukaemia.

Can't Kate choose when her own quality of life is so awful, with death coming soon anyway, that she'd rather hasten it? I guess you'd say no...the opposite of a progressive is someone backwards!

And yeah, the point was Anna would have been happy to do anything for Kate (their sisterly relationship was awesome, I thought) but Kate made her say no because she couldn't. (I thought this was actually a bit selfish, but that's another issue.)


Kate wanted to die, she wanted Anna to sue for medical emancipation because she did not want her kidney.

The story is more about a patience right to die, Kate was done trying to beat the disease she wanted to go peacefully and not prolong her suffering.

Anna was there only to die basically, give enough of herself to save Kate from dying, Anna wasn't a child of love but rather a organ donation machine.

The book differes greatly from the film, in the end of the book Anna goes braindead and Kate gets her kidney.

To me its pretty messed up to have another child just to be an organ donation machine. If I indeed have kids and one was dying of a disease I would never have a another child be the dying one's saving grace.

Watch it again or read the book.

Patience who are suffering from near uncurable diseases should be able to die on there terms.

Don't worry, I saw Lord of the Rings. I'm not going to end this 17 times.


Do me and the whole world a favor, DON'T preach or judge about *beep* you don't know anthing about until you are diagosised with something like Cancer or Hunnington's diseases or any kind of illness where you are left weak, tired, unable to be a man or a woman, and worst in constent pain. When that does happen you think about ALL of the alternatives, you have the choice to either continue down the path of misery and pain or end it completely and peacefully.

Anna is pittied because her mother created her to merely be a martyr for her sick child Kate. It is noble and generous for someone to give a kidney or a heart or all that stuff for someone who needs them but as the one who needs them, it is their choice to take it or not. Kate chose not to take anything else from Anna and just take a different path instead of the one she was on, it was her decision.

I don't know what party you are in but you sound like you would rather see a life of misery, pain and despair, you sound like death is so bad. Like you are going to live forever well wake up, you are not and good news; neither am I.


burtonh's opinion on this topic seems highly religious and I cannot imagine him ever having had a surgery or painful procedure done in the hospital. As a road to recovery, these are acceptable. But if your life is one of pain and feeling terrible most of the time, a life centered around going in and out of a hospital and not being free to experience normal life experiences, a person should have a choice of saying "enough" and letting nature take its course, with appropriate pain management and symptom control, of course, in the hospital or at home, as had been offered to her mother.

Kate had had enough of practically living at the hospital. What kind of life did she have? No scenes of her being in school, or working a part-time job, or even a hobby, or having a friend other than another cancer patient--who died suddenly.

Kate did not want Anna to donate her kidney. Kate obviously had a problem telling her mother that she was ready for hospice care and death. As she was over 14, I think telling her mother to back off and making known her own feelings known to her oncologis is all she needed to refuse continued aggressive medical treatment.


OP c'mon who are these people who keep bringing up? I'm no liberal hell I'm not anything, but if a dying patience want's to die sooner and spare the suffering of themselves and loved one then they can do it.

I for one think a serial killer does not deserve comfort, that have no respect for live therefore they do not deserve to live.

Abortion is up to the mother (usully depending of the circumstance i.e. threat to the mothers life, terminal illness of child.)

No one in their right mind would have supported Hitler only the liked minded did, insane people.

A lot of people hold death in a high regard, not in a morbid sense but in a sort of way most of us see it as a chance to answer the life's unanswerable questions.

Terminal patients deserve the right to decide when they want to die, its not up to you or me but the to the person laying in the cold hospital bed. Hospitals are cold places to be, and if a dying patient want's to go out in a peaceful way then that is there right.

Don't worry, I saw Lord of the Rings. I'm not going to end this 17 times.


She did try to tell her mother, a million times but like all loving mothers who can't let go she refused to believe that Kate was going to die. The doctors explained that even after the surgery was done #1 Kate would still die and #2 Anna would be physically damaged as she ages like not be able to become a cheerleader or play soccer and if she wishes, become a mother.

I don't condone suicides when it is about patients suffering mentally like cronic depression or mental break downs (nothing like schizophrenia) but I have had patients where they are bound to machines for the rest of their lives or the case of Christopher Reeve who in the beginning contemplated suicide but changed his mind and went on living till he died 9 years after his accident.

All and all Liberals are not about death like it is the end, it is another path that can be taken by the choice of the one who thinks of it. I would never think of death unless I was paralyzed, deaf, blind and unable to think on my own, my will is signed and sealed. You have that right as well.

What you are now basically saying is wait for death, for some, they can wait for that carriage but others they are in too much pain and being drugged till you are dead isn't enough. Or if you think being drugged till your dead then you just basically rushed that person to his/her death, do you understand me?

Bottom line is; never think that liberals are all for death, they just don't believe in prolonging misery and pain.


No where in his post does he say ANYTHING of the sort about God or any belief I don't know where you got that idea from.

I'm intolerant to intolerance.


Wow only a *beep* moron like yourself would totally miss the point of this movie. Not to mention a totally crass a-hole like yourself, would try to interject politics into a tragic and thought provoking story, that is real for many people, particularly children with cancer.

People like you are pure garbage, and really need to go back under that slimy rock where you came from!



Liberals love death.

This is why you see movies like Million Dollar Baby and this crap. Also, Dead Man Walking. Like I said, they want innocent life to die and they protect the serial killer or the rapist. It's really twisted.

I know a woman that refused to pull the plug on her husband and he lived and thanks her everyday. Liberals hate that story because it would have been more romantic if the wife just accepted death and pulled the plug.

Look, people who are suffering should have a right to die because it's their body. My problem is liberals try to celebrate this.

Liberals love and romanticize death.


dude what's your beef with liberals?

Million Dollar Baby? She was paralyzed from the neck down. I'd want to die, that's for sure.

People love to romanticize death, not just liberals as you say.

Don't worry, I saw Lord of the Rings. I'm not going to end this 17 times.


Ummm..why are you picking on liberals? Why this board? Maybe go to the soapbox if you want to gripe about liberals and politics instead of using the board about THIS MOVIE to rant about your political beliefs. Are you a Glenn Beck Zombie? A Tea Party Member? Maybe you should go over to that board, ie soapbox board. This movie had nothing to do with POLITICS!

Obviously you don't know anything about liberals, and are just making gross assumptions and stereotypes about what you think you know from one of your heroes. The whole problem with uptight idiots like yourself are that you PROMOTE HATE by trying to make people think liberals are about loving death. Not every liberal is like that, and your statements piss me off because of your obvious stupidity. I think you are probably just another troll who uses these boards to promote your messages of hate. How's that for a gross assumption??

Well, *beep* me gently with a chainsaw. Do I look like Mother Theresa?


you're a dumb ass.


OP - you're a moron. Sad that there are so many morons on the planet. But, that's the way it is.

This movie had nothing to do with politics, but somehow you made a connection up.

Then there's your insane idea of what a liberal is. NO ONE "loves" abortion. NO ONE. End of life counseling? Perhaps when you or someone you love is near the end, you'll wish you had some.

I'll finish the way I began - you're a moron.


What a liar. Not only is your idea a lie, but you obviously lied about seeing the movie as well! You shouldn't try to analyze the film when you can't understand the VERY BASIC plot points!

And I have no idea what crap you're talking about with Obama but it sounds like a lie. If I even thought well of cons, you would STILL give them a bad name!


And Conservatives love guns so people can be shot. I checked out some of your post trying for TROLL of the year.


Here's a tip for you: Get out of your Rush-Limbaugh-loving-hatred-spewing-hole that you clearly live in and join reality, you ass!

Whatever personal beliefs you may (delusionally) have should be kept to yourself. This movie had NOTHING to do with POLITICS, let alone sending a subliminal "liberal" message! It takes someone special to make a beautifully tragic story into a political debate.

You also don't know much about liberals, in general, do you? Why don't you take a page from your own beliefs and ask yourself why conservatives want the death penalty (which involves DEATH) or want to make it so easy for people to own guns (which could also involve DEATH). Or, better yet, take your ignorant comments and share them with your other FOXnews-humping hypocrite friends.
