Alec Baldwin (spoilers)

Ok so at the end of the film. The girl said the lawyer took the case up because he knew what it was like to not have control of his body (having epilepsy). So the whole thing about his dog helping him because he had an iron lung was a cover story right?,,,,


presumably the dog knew what triggered the epilepsy, hence why he was barking in the court.
I think the iron lung thing was more of a joke, or just him wanting some privacy, but yeah, service dog


it seems a little unrealistic that the most prominent lawyer in the city could have a service dog that someone didn't already know about... And the judge's reaction when the service dog is making so much commotion... it's a service dog for crying out loud. If it is going nuts there is probably a reason that does not have to do with the dog but the one he is in service to... I am just saying..


I'm amazed that lots of people on this board actually think someone actually has an "iron lung" in their body -- THEY DON'T! An iron lung is a piece of medical equipment -- it's not something that's put inside your body to replace your lung -- look it up, people! His comment about the iron lung was a JOKE to evade giving his real answer about his epilepsy.


You're surprised that people on this board aren't well-versed in medical devices? And actually, I believe that an iron lung is a huge device sort of like a tanning table that a person gets inside (except his head on the outside), which alters the air pressure around the person so that his lungs will inflate/deflate. That is, it is a substitute for working muscles in one's lungs.


This is what I have heard an iron lung to be. Something you go inside of to breathe.


It's a running gag in the book. Whenever someone asks him about the dog, he gives a different medical reason. He doesn't want people knowing the truth because then they'd pity him.

Halves are Awesome


So I guess having that magic dog is what allows him to drive a car -- the dog barks, and he pulls over, right? I only saw the end of the movie, but when he came by to deliver the court's judgment I'm wondering -- how is it safe to let that guy drive himself?


i thought the same thing. i knew an epileptic, she claimed she would never be allowed a driving license due to her condition. someone else (non epileptic) told me that you can have a licence if you aint had a sizure in a certain amount of time, i think it was a year or so. i don't know who to beleive, the epileptic i talk of was nuttier than squirrel sh!t and the other dude was well known to talk out of his ass a lot. it makes sense to me that an epilieptic would'nt be allowed to drive, seems kinda dangerous.

"this is not nam dude, this is bowling, there are rules."


The 'goofs' section for this movie note that someone who's had a seizure must demonstrate 3 months of having their condition under control before being allowed to drive again. Thus, the scene where Baldwin drives to the house to deliver the legal decision so shortly after after his episode is unrealistic.

Unfortunately, there was a recent instance in Denver where a woman who had a seizure 6 years ago and was ordered to get follow-up treatment before driving again - but never did. Don't know if they suspend licenses, but some people drive anyway. In any case, she apparently had a seizure while driving and killed a family of 4. The fact that she'd been ordered to do something about the condition, and didn't, has her in hotter water than mere involuntary manslaughter.


The attorney does not have an iron lung. He has a condition where he suffers epilectic seizures. Apparently, the dog can tell when a seizure is about to occur, thus the dog's acrobatics just before the seizure.

His epilepsy is under control. He should have been given the opportunity for a time out when asked. In a normal situation, i.e., not fiction, the judge would have known about his condition and granted him the time out. However, this is fiction.

His epilepsy is under control in that he was taking meds for it. Plus he has the service dog. Service dogs are not only for those who are blind anymore. They serve all sorts of medical issues.
