Worth watching?

I always have had a thing for the kitsune/kumiho....so is this worth 2 hours of my precious time?


I'm probably the only one, but I thought it was a waste of time. Many loose strands (what happened with those hideous aliens?) no character development to speak of and too much random "story" lines to fill 85 minutes (girl/boy in love, man/woman in love, lost aliens, a fox who wants to be human, a man looking for revenge). As I was disappointed by Mari iyagi, I expected this to have more soul, but actually it was worse. At least Mari iyagi had lovely art direction. Gave this one a 4/10, which is a rarity.

Just my 2 cents, watch it for yourself.

Chaos reigns


Thanks for letting me know. That's a shame, since I really love kitsune lore. The idea of a fox becoming a woman to be a companion to a human male is an extremely touching premise to me. But I guess I've watched too much anime....


It is 1 hour and 15 minutes long. You won't see a lot of the kumiho mythos... Yobi is more of cute little fox who wants to mingle with the humans. But still, it's worth seeing it. It's not like there are other options to delve into this theme.


It is flawed but I think it is worth watching, for the wonderful animation alone.

"Passion is just insanity in a cashmere sweater!"


It is very flawed, but putting it on in the background while working on something and not expecting a plot or good story is ok. This reminded me of that beautiful short from the old Neo Tokyo three part art film/anime... but that one was much better. The one with the little girl and the cat with the bell on her tail.
