MovieChat Forums > Borderline Cult (2007) Discussion > Can someone put names to...................

Can someone put names to.................sp oilers.............

Victim # 1. Blonde girl with I love New York shirt and jeans. Strangled then had her face mutilated with needle nose pliers. Her name is?

Victim # 2. Red head with green shirt and yellow skirt. Locked in chicken coop until strung up, strangled and stabbed repeatedly with a folding pocket saw. Her name is?

Victim # 3. Black girl with multi colored sun dress that was locked in the chicken coop until the films end. Her name is?

Victim # 4. Girl with dark brown to black hair that was hit from behind with a pig nosed shovel as she talked to Melanie. She is then killed by repeated blows from a pick axe. Her name is?

Victim # 5. Girl with long dark hair and black dress. Locked in the chicken coop with the black girl until she is tied to pallets, has a plastic bag placed over her head, is severly beaten, then has meat skewers driven into her head. I think this is Rebecca Russ but if I'm wrong. What is her name?

Victim # 6. Girl with blue jeans and black tank top that tried to help Melanie who had lied to her about being raped. She is put into the chicken coop and is later stabbed repeatedly in the back with a folding pocet saw when she tries to crawl away. I believe this is Cassandra Church but if I'm wrong who is she?

Victim # 7. Blonde girl who was lost hiking in search of water. After being subdued, her breasts are mutilated with a burlap needle. She is finally killed by making her drink weed killer through a funnel. Her name?

Victim # 8. Stabbed in back of the neck with a meat skewer that came out of her mouth as she sat talking to Melanie who was playing a guitar. And she is?

If someone that was involved with this films production should visit this board your help woul be appreciated.
