
worst piece of crap ive ever seen, ( 25 years of watching movies, good and bad ones ) even worse than Valhalla rising,

this was just.. . just awfull. its no point dscribing wat was bad because the whole movie was horrific, every part.


Agree... I'm a big horror fan and was hoping for something good. Gunnar Hansen has little more than a glorified cameo. All the characters are a horrible selfish obnoxious bunch. What I found most stupid was the end where the two girls are attacked by a whale. Was this the filmmakers trying to make some deep "statement?" along the lines of "see, whales are bad and the whalers are right to kill them".

Many moments don't make sense, what was with the mutterings about "der fuhrer?". Why does the blond guy try to rape the German girl? What was the Chinese woman up to, did she plan the whole thing?

In memory of Sam Peckinpah


If this is the worst movie you've ever seen, you're very lucky! I can give you a list of a good ten that I've seen in the past week that are MUCH worse, lol.


I agree. Whenever someone on the net says "worst piece of crap", "worst piece of crap ive ever seen" or something like that it's like it's amateur hour of who has seen "the worst movie ever".
