MovieChat Forums > Jonah Hex (2010) Discussion > This was a bad movie - And it has NOTHIN...

This was a bad movie - And it has NOTHING to do with Megan Fox!

First of all, I'm a comic book fan. Second, I'm a huge movie buff and I've seen many films, especially newer stuff. I've seen almost all comic-book films produced in 2000's and sadly I have to say Jonah Hex really is at the bottom. It's certenly not as bad as Catwoman (they literally destroyed everything about her, and she's my fav character:( lol, but it's not a good film.

I wouldn't go as far as calling it garbage, trash or anything like that, they've done many effort doing it. Visually, it was great. No complains in arts/effects department. Acting was good too. Michael Fassbender literally stole the movie, I think he's beyond eveyone else. Josh Brolin was great as Jonah too. Fits the part. Megan Fox (yes, Megan, that's right1) was quite ok as Lilah, but the character itself was badly written. Same goes for usually great John Malkovich.

So, critics are about... THE SCRIPT! It was so badly written, like it was written by a 8-year old who plays Johan Hex and then little polished by his father still trying to be faithul to what his son scribled.

The whole storyline beteween Hex and main villain is really complicated and long. It would need many more time and energy to make it work. It's not necessarilly bad itself, but it should've been in plot for tv series or soap opera, not an hour and half film. Film was def too short for it. As much as I love Jeffrey Dean Morgan shouldn't have been in this movie. Jonah should have been the one to disobey Malkovich and maybe even try to kill him before he killed his family (if the family lost storyline was even necessary, after practically every other superhero movie doing the same better (except Punisher from 2004 where it was simply retarded). That would make their relationship good enough to watch for an hour.

There were many more characters unnecesarilly in this, mostly to die in most stupid and predictable ways. Deaths of Will Arnett's character and his soldiers was totally unneeded. Not to mention having the 'political sleeze' charcater Wes Bently portrayed for 2 scenes was also totally stupid and way he died was mind-blowingly predictable and used tons of times better. Another useless death was of that guy who tried to (rape?) Megan's character getting killed off was WHY since she stayed in the exact same place to be caught scene later and that storyline was never mentioned again. It was really lame and it really felt like they didn't think about stuff like WHY?

Jonah and Lilah's 'relationship' was also lame and it wasn't believable why would any of them do anything for another one and her 'toughness' is pretty much framed and silly, since she didn't do much except get in trouble.

But, I'm tired of hearing this movie failed due to Megan Fox. With all other elements I've mentioned, I don't care who would play Lilah, it would still be badly written and hasted.


Megan's fox's character wasn't in the movie enough to really effect it one way or another.

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I agree.
Forget Megan Fox she didn't have a major part in the movie to substantially affect anything to make it bad.
Just look at everything else about this movie and see if there is much to like or enjoy. There is hardly anything.
Despite the action, nice scenery etc the movie just seemed so bland.

I wouldn't call this a completely bad movie that you'd want to stop watching it halfway. But it definitely not worth watching over repeatedly.


I agree too, Megan was barely in the movie, the problem was the script per se...cuz otherwise the acting was OK and visually it looked good.

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For the 6 minutes Megan Fox had in this movie, she was the best thing about it. The sheep are just giving her a bad rep because the are brainwashed by their leader aka the critics/media.
