Not bad

I was actually pleasantly surprised by this movie, it was far better than I had hoped for.
It's one of the best if not THE best movie from Asylum I have ever seen.
Even though the camera was shaking around too much, the cinematography looked great, and most importantly, the audio is decent compared to Asylum's earlier works.

If you haven't seen it, I suggest you watch it, it really is better than you would expect from Asylum.

Meangeoffmeed, if you are still on these boards, congratulations for a great work!
A few questions.
What kind of cameras did you use? What was the budget of the movie? And how many days was the shooting schedual?


hey Junttjoe, thank you so much. hmmm, the camera was a high def. about a $100,000 just for the body. i'll get the specifics for you this week as for what model. the budget, well, it wasn't much, i'll say that. about $150,000. we shot it in 12 days.
