It's finally out!

Having bought into the hype, I will be venturing down to my local Blockbuster after my Business Association Law Class and renting a copy. I'm assuming that everyone else has seen it via cheap as free internet downloads (Why Asylum puts it on the internet for people to steal then complains about it, I have no idea).

We'll see how it goes tonight,





I have a theory about the film, having gone through it a couple times. I'm not a paranoid film buff by any means, it just struck me that some of the events that transpired seemed to have a dual meaning.

Regardless, most of my observations regarding my dual film theory I've left in the review that I posted a couple days ago. Perhaps I'm not totally out of wack, as at least one person has agreed with me. But I digress.

Bottomline: It's the best film by Asylum, hands down. I'm actually planning on purchasing a copy this week; it's worthy of keeping in my library.

