MovieChat Forums > I Am Omega (2007) Discussion > It's What I Hoped It Could Be

It's What I Hoped It Could Be

I've been watching almost everything the Asylum has produced and/ or distributed and I was really hoping this would be one of their best. It is. The 9/11 Commission Report is still their tour de force best work in my opinion, but I Am Omega is a close competitor. One thing that director Griff Furst really establishes is emptiness. The first 25 minutes are a very interesting look into a life of isolation and loneliness. The pacing got a little slow, but nice touches such as Renchard's dinner mannequin and repaying the corpse for supplies are great contributions. "There is no radio!" is a very memorable line. Once Vincent and Mike enter the story the film pumps up into an action piece; and it still works well. Great makeup effects. There is one shot in particular of one of the mutant's eyes peering through a blockade of boards that is particularly haunting. I also loved that they justified Vincent's actions a bit. He could have just been crazy for no reason, but he's a Darwinist. This is his element. The ending felt a bit rushed, but that's to be expected. I thought the Corvette conveniently placed in a junk heap was a bit much. And it runs fine without a push, but that's small stuff. Great audio work. I was sad to see Leigh Scott go, but Griff Furst and Geoff Meed appear as though they can definitely fill his shoes for The Asylun. If you love well executed action, good tension, and a fun time check this one out.


Well saying something is good and something is good for The Asylum are two different things... this is a typical Asylum production... weak script, weak acting, poor pacing but good cinematography... how the hell does that happen?
