Asylum Are Genius

'Nuff said.


Cuckoo, you crack me up.


They really are! They look up future blockbusters, hack together a rushed and low-budget version of it and release it before the 'proper' version. There's nothing like riding on somebody else's wave.

1. I can't believe it's actually legal.
2. Look at some of the titles they have!
3. It really is the lowest of the low in terms of film making scrupels.

The sad thing is that some of the people who get involved will actually believe they're taking part in some credible work. Shocking, positively shocking.

If anybody is feeling depressed sometime, look up the distribution filmography for The Asylum. If the film titles don't cheer you up then nothing will.


Totally, I was just compiling a list for reference. Here are some of their films:

100,000,000 BC ... 10,000 BC
Alien Vs Hunter ... Alien Vs Predator
I Am Omega ... (A mix of "Omega Man" and "I am Legend")
Snakes on a Train ... Snakes on a Plane
Invasion of the Pod People ... The Invasion
Transmorphers ... Transformers
Pirates of Treasure Island ... Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
The Da Vinci Treasure ... The DaVinci Code
Hillside Cannibals ... The Hills Have Eyes
Way of the Vampire ... Van Helsing (box is a cheap copy and the story revolves around Van Helsing)
30,000 Leagues Under the Sea ... 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Detour ... Wrong Turn

"You've shown your quality sir. The very highest."


Most of the titles are so outrageous you'd expect them to be spoofs!



Dunno. But that's like saying "What's the real harm in eating out of a bin in the middle of a crowded park? It isn't doing anybod any harm."



"What is the real harm in them doing it?"

I've not seen any of the films from the Asylum stable, so my response to this statement is purely to the sentiment, and not commentary on the quality of their films. There can be harm in releasing a sub-par product that has been labelled in such a way as to fool the consumer into purchasing. Compare it to selling a placebo to an unwitting person looking for a cure to their ills. That person doesn't know any better, and by the time they've paid their money and tried to get results from the bogus junk they've been suckered into buying, it's too late. Making a bad product that pretends to be another and (worse) doesn't deliver on what the superior product is noted for, it's not exactly fraud but it's hardly squeaky clean either. Bottom line: people are being fooled out of their money. It's fine if everyone knows what they're in for, but not everyone does.

Now that being said, that list of rip-off flicks rules. I think I'm going to have to check some of them out purely for the so-bad-it's-good factor! :)


Bad analogy; it's been proved that many placebos do work, whilst none of Asylum's films do.


Well, that just argues further against Inspector DC's comment... :D


i've worked for them as camera operator (De Davinci Treasure - italian unit). they asked my team to shoot some frames from Milano to put them in their feature. the shots appear as "London's square", "Turin's station", "Rome".. and some others non-US cities in which they've never been.

i was delighted of taking part in this film, i found exciting to make a one-million dollar crap, and i never believed i was getting involved in some credible work, at all. i admire them. sincerely

(forgive me, and my english as well)


I agree. Asylums films are amazing. I admit, I feel stupid renting them but I love them. Pure genius.


Not really, that would harm yourself now wouldn't it?

I'm talking about the spectators of the guy eating trash, and the guys making these films.
