Restaurant scene

It's great to see a small town sheriff in a movie who doesn't automatically fall to his knees and fellate anyone who shows up and claims to be a Federal agent.

Even better that he was a cameo for the kid from the original 1970s movie.


Heh. Yep. Love my Tony. Did you notice the blonde waitress? She was Tia in the original films. I loved that they were named Tina & Anthony in the new movie. I like to imagine that they WERE Tony & Tia, but going by aliases. That maybe they were specifically there to help the kids. But no one's supposed to know that.
there will be snark


The scene suggests that Tina knew that Seth could open the locked hatch door to the roof. She also must have known that the kids were not being kidnapped by Jack, and had a good reason to escape the Feds.



The sheriff and his men taking out the guns was a cool scene.

Its that man again!!


I liked the locals backing up the sheriff against the Feds. There's a really similar scene in Did You Hear About the Morgans? which came out sometime around this film.🐭
