Noob help?

Ok, I just picked this up and New Vegas. I will admit that I haven't played a lot of this style of game, but a few. I'm really having trouble with this one and hopefully someone will have a few basic tips or strategies for me.

So I start playing and everything is going great. I get out of the vault and think this game is good so far. After going to the first town, I talk to some people and get some quests lined up.

This is where my trouble starts. I leave the town to go on whatever quest and I get killed by half the things I run into on the way. I'm having issues running out of ammo on the way as well.

Am I not approaching the beginning correctly? Are the quests supposed to be done in a certain order? I really like the idea of the game and hear awesome things about it, but I'm getting frustrated with it.

Like I said, just looking for a few tips from those who love the game. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!

"I'm sorry... There's laughing in my head."


Sounds like you're getting there. Take advantage of any early exp, level up lockpicking and medical first with your weapons, get the perks to find more ammo and caps. It takes a while to get it down but once you do, it'll come.


I would say the first five levels are ROUGH! Combat sucks because your skills are not high enough to really use VATS and free aim is a waste of precious ammo. Your health and rad stats suck and pretty much everyting will kill you. Take the above poster's advice and just plow through some easy XP. Trust me, it does get better.

"I want my father back you sonofabitch!"- Inigo Montoya


Ok, I thought it was just me being a spaz, capt. What I've played so far was good, so looking forward to getting past the intro levels.

"I'm sorry... There's laughing in my head."


When you get badly hurt, sleep on a bed and you are healed 100%. So make it a priority that you always have a known location of a bed to go to. You cannot sleep in someone else's bed, only one that is owned by you or no one else. Almost all cities have deserted homes where you can easily find beds. Also, you cannot sleep when enemies are nearby. I'm up to level 11 and still often get hurt badly and I HAVE to know where the nearest bed is at all times.


Thanks for the advice! I put it down for a little while, but thinking I got frustrated to easily in the early stages.

"I'm sorry... There's laughing in my head."


Early in the game, I would pick up as many things as I could carry (whether they be useful or complete junk) to sell so I could afford more ammo.

I also would recommend doing some side-quests like Moira's Wasteland Survival Guide sidequest. It'll net you some experience, and help you find landmarks and useful items that you can keep or sell. And especially early in the game, a run-in with raiders can destroy you in seconds. Know when to fight and when to flee.

Once you start to master it and gain levels, it becomes easier to play through without the constant fear of death.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?
