MovieChat Forums > Prayers for Bobby (2009) Discussion > I havent cried this much in my life

I havent cried this much in my life

watching this movie ..felt like the story of my life playing on a screen right in front of me ... everything he was going through..i could relate to..tears started flowing the first 10minutes of the movie because i understood every single thing he was going through the middle of the film i could feel that my tears were finished ..but ..they just kept flowing and flowing and flowing..

I am not going to review the movie but all i will say is if you have kids tell them you love them and mean it...and you always know if they are different..dont try to cure.. every time you talk about hell ..damnation and all things much as the would want to change for you...their spirits keep breaking with each condemnation till a point of no return ..never let it go there



I cry every time I see it. And every time I think of any child (or adult for that matter) whose parents or anyone else ever told them there was anything wrong with them or that God was disappointed in who he was.

Wish I could hug them all.

Good advice, OP, about telling our kids we love them, whoever they are and whatever they want or need to be in life. It's what I've always told my son and whether we find when he grows up that he's gay or straight, it's the message we want him to remember.


I cried like 4 or 5 times during the movie. I've never cried this much with any movie ever.


i saw this for the first time today and i cant remember the last time i cried this hard to a movie. it was such a great message and sigourney weaver was amazing in it.
