MovieChat Forums > Party Down (2009) Discussion > Anyone else not like this?

Anyone else not like this?

I usually enjoy shows like this. My favorites being Curb Your Enthusiasm, Arrested Development, The Office (both), Extras, and Seinfeld. However, I felt this was just trying too hard to be like those shows and not finding a voice of it's own. A lot of the jokes were really contrived and cliche, and there were a few that were blatantly ripped off from the Office. In fact, the entire show just felt like a rehash of that show (even ripping off one of their jokes with Ron yelling "Hey guys, stop with the gay!").

Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad show, and I admire the producers for trying something different (well, different from the laugh track formula). I even watched the entire series twice just to see if anything clicked, but nothing. I know a lot of people enjoy this, but I just don't see it. In my opinion, it is to The Office what Waiting was to Clerks.

I can't be the only one who feels this way. Anyone?


It was canceled clearly it wasn't the most popular show ever so I am sure it didn't click for a lot of people.


Right, 'cuz only good shows like "Two and A Half Men" are successful.


I really liked this show its why I still come to these boards. I just thought the answer to the OP's question was an obvious one. You don't have to sell me on the fact that good ratings doesn't mean a show is good.


I don't like what you are implying here. "Two and A Half Men" is a brilliant show. So it doesn't actually have intellectual humor, it has something better: a laugh track.


I just recently read my last post and realized it implies the exact opposite of my original intentions and could be construed the wrong way. Party Down was a brilliant show that didn't use a laugh track. Two and a Half Men sucks.


I've only watched 9 eps but it's a very boring show, the jokes aren't funny, the characters aren't likable and every episode has the same premise, cater, *beep* it all up, end of episode


Nope this show is awesome


I concur.


I don't see the resemblance to The Office at all, other than the fact that it's a show about a group of coworkers.

What were the jokes you saw being ripped off from The Office? "Hey guys, stop with the gay?" I don't remember that from The Office or Party Down.


I think its the second episode. Whichever one had the crew outside in a garage or something at the beginning. I haven't seen it in awhile though.

*awkward silence*


I liked it better than the Office. I really can't stand Steve Carrell for the most part and the Office gets too lovey dovey sometimes for me; I could gag at certain points. But Party Down seems more interested in the laughs and I can deal with Henry and Casey's on again off again relationship. Not to say the Office is bad, just personal opinions here.


when it comes to smart writing, party down might be one of the best shows OAT.


Shows like this? The only thing those shows you listed have in common with this is that they all are half hour comedies. Besides maybe Extras, as I haven't seen that one.


This show is constantly compared to The Office and Arrested Development.

*awkward silence*


I can see the comparisons to Arrested Development but the Office is a mockumentary and completely different.


The thing with the shows you mention above is that the humour is very obvious. This is brilliantly done in a completely different way. It's the little things in this show that get me crying with laughter; like season 1 episode 5 when Roman walks behind the bar casually saying "Awe man, stay away from Casey, I think she's on the *beep* rag" that line and the delivery is class.


I'm sorry but if you think the shows I mentioned have "very obvious" humor, then you haven't seen any of them.

And that line you quoted is far from subtle. The whole "lol stay away from her, she's on her period omg omg" has been done to death and is definitely obvious humor.

*awkward silence*


Pretty sure that line--no the episode--was used to establish Roman's character as a clueless douche who can't talk to ladies, let alone attract one. I LOVED the part with the porn star who likes dragons. The geeky chauvinist is a frequently overlooked character, although the real world is full of them, poppeteers.

I don't mind that modern comedies that follow the Office formula (workplace awkwardness=comedy). But for argument's sake, I think The Office is going down a topical and unfunny road. I'm surprised they're carrying on without Carrell, though I lost interest some time after the Halpert wedding. If they cancelled the Office, and that would somehow bring back Party Down, I'd be a happy camper.

I don't really like Extras. Apart from the guest stars, it's really depressing. As far as Brit comedy shows go, I really like SPACED and Misfits, but I have limited scope living in the states, if anybody has any suggestions...


Wow, the idea of situational comedy has seemed to become a negative for you. May I offer you the chance of viewing "The Thick Of It". Its a British comedy that just might fit your sensibilities. If not, then there is just no hope for you and laughter ever reaching an agreement.
