Some people are just dumb

Reading some of the comments about this movie made me laugh. Some people are arguing about whether it's an Australian film, and how can it be an Australian film when it's about China and America. Do Australian films have to be JUST about Australia? Does Hollywood only make films about the USA? This movie was financed by Australia, directed by an Australian, written by an Australian (the script), much of it was filmed in Australia, and it had many Australian actors in it (including our old chestnut Jack Thompson playing a Texan judge!!) so what does that make it, Chinese or American?


Just some?
You Aussies and your sardnoic humor!
I cannot say if Jack was great as a Texan, but he was great for his role. Also, in the film “Midnight In the Garden of Good and Evil” he nailed a Savannah accent, the posture, and the whole attitude. I was amazed. He's good.
