Valerie Bertinelli

I found this interview to be very boring. I hope it is because Valerie is boring, not that William Shatner is a lousy interviewer.

Well, it wasn’t a lie. It was ineptitude with insufficient cover.


I think it's fascinating. He's having a real conversation with these people.

This show will probably fall on deaf ears, and that's a shame... but I think this is fantastic.


The interview with Jenna Jameson was even worse than Valerie.

I keep wishing it would rise to kind of a Dick Cavett level, but Shatner just tosses softballs and takes their answers at face value.

Shatner doesn't even have to be smart, but he has to put a little more energy into it.


"Shatner doesn't even have to be smart"

Well, he's had that angle down pat for his entire life, lol...


I actually thought it was of the better ones.

"The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother."
