This movie rocked. Definitely recommend to anyone who wants good horror with some seriously twisted stuff and good gore. Check it out.


i would have liked it alot more if the camera hadn't started to spaz out during the attack scenes.

Laugh, and the world laughs with you.
Weep, and the world laughs AT you.


r2bjurassic is obviously pulling your leg... no one, not one single person, in their right mind with any kind of taste in movies would think to recommend this.

I've seen some horrid movies, some of which were so bad that I actually enjoyed watching them and laughing my butt off. THIS piece of crap, however, really just made me want to smack someone.

It starts out like it's trying to be a serious low budget horror movie, but gives up toward the end and becomes an extremely unamusing campy mess.

If you want good horror... do not watch this movie.
If you want seriously twisted stuff... do not watch this movie.
If you want good gore... do not watch this movie.

If you want to watch a bunch of no-talent actors, a storyline a 10 year old could write, and new heights of the absurd... go to

If you want to add another regret to your life, then yes... by all means, watch this movie.


Thanks, director's friend!

May I ask why, in your praise, you neglect to mention that the film isn't really horror, and is in fact a comedy with werewolves? It's bad enough Lions Gate tries to dupe the audience into making people think it's a real, intense/gory horror movie, we don't need alleged 'fans' doing the same.


Bullcrap. This is as much horror as American Werewolf in London or The Howling, both of which are core films in the subgenre. And, quite frankly, it's about as "intense/gory" as most other ww flicks. For a clearly c-list film shot on a camcorder with a dubious budget, this is frigging art. And this movie takes enough flack as is without alleged 'critics' randomly slamming the one or two guys who actually offer the film an iota of praise (whether they be serious or not).


I don't know what those guys are tripping on, but this movie was hilariously awesome.


Looks like the cast & crew created a bunch of accounts & RAVED about this movie...hilarious! These praises are actually FUNNIER then the flick I just finished seeing this morning! The movie is almost PURE torture! 2/10 at best!! The music video on the DVD is 10x better then the so called "film"!

Serbian Film: 6.5/10
[REC]2: 8/10
Survival of Dead: 5.5/10
Basket Case (82):6.5/10


I'm assuming you were a part of the film Mr Jurassic. This is the only movie I couldn't watch more than 5 minutes of. Regardless of taste I don't believe anyone in the world would enjoy this but good try.
