MovieChat Forums > Ice Road Truckers (2007) Discussion > The Hugh storyline has to be fake

The Hugh storyline has to be fake

There's no way he's that big of a piece of garbage. He's a coward and backstabber who doesn't care about his own employees in the least, only his revenge plans. He also doesn't seem to care at all about the loads as he drives like a maniac and throws the truck all over the place. No person in their right mind would ship anything with that guy unless it's all fake. I also think most people would not want to do business with a person of his moral character either, but they must already know that it's just for the show. That would be my only guess as to how someone could be a such a childish little coward on tv and still have any part of a business running. He's always been a d-bag, but this is just ridiculous.


His storyline isn't fake. He is who he is. Do you honestly think businesses care if a delivery guy is a "d bag"? He does the job they hire him for. It's not as if VP's clients have to ride WITH him...


Vlad is a bigger a##hole than can you blame a driver for mechanical problems that aren't due to abuse...and to leave a nwe driver new ti the area staranded with a broken down truck or let him lead a convoy on his first trip...REALLY?!


I just saw that. What an ass of a boss he is. Honestly, it's just because the whole VP biz starts from a very negative place. You start that way, you end that way.


Actually, a lot of places do care about the drivers attitudes when shipping because someone has to deal with that driver on the other end, and if he is rude, hard to deal with, or doesn't treat items shipped as if they were their own, they often choose other carriers. I ran one of the shipping departments for one of the biggest companies in the U.S. for a few years and if we heard that a guy was speeding or driving dangerously, arriving with loads in disarray or damaged, or if he was hard to deal with or rude on the delivery end, we switched to someone else. It happened quite a few times. There's tons of guys who can deliver, but trustworthy, easy to deal with, respectful drivers are what I would think any person would want. But, ok, maybe you don't care about that. On the other hand, we have seen Hugh damage loads without a care, drive like a maniac on very rough roads, drive well above the speed limit, and display a general attitude of not caring about the customer or their items. I would think that would be enough to choose another carrier. They must be really, really cheap to take those risks with your shipments. I've also seen the brotherhood between truckers, and I can't believe any real trucker would drive for a man like that to begin with. Being respectful to each other is one of their biggest rules, at least in the U.S mainland, so watching the way Hugh and Vlad treat their employees makes me think it is probably staged for TV.


The whole show is scripted in case y didn't know it's not fake but acted


I won't dispute most of that- however you pointed out the biggest thing- this ISN'T for a major shipping company in the US. It's for native communities in Manitoba. Trust me, anyone WILLING to go up there with a shipment gets the job. Also the people on the the other end (receiving the goods) aren't exactly high functioning companies. It really IS like the Wild West up there. Many times delivering a load would be to some random guy at 2 am. This guy then has to rustle up a crew of guys THAT night to HAND offload the trucks.

Perfect world you'd be right. northern Manitoba is FAR from a perfect world...


Yea the locations and the driver and company are all real but its the show that is scripted just like any tv show like NCIS or Burn Notice or other .The drivers are never in any danger and if they were and they really got hurt they would never air that .However the problems they have are all scripted and special effects like the battery and the Fire in Alex truck and they way they drive .I mean y would never be able to drive a truck like they do unless it was a trick truck.


They're regular trucks that get driven all year, nothing special about them . Again- there is no script like NCIS or any other drama. There is plenty of danger but it is certainly highly dramatized as it IS a television show.


Regardless of the Scripting that goes on for the sake for parts of the show, I would not trust Hugh to haul a load of marshmallows with air ride suspension. He truly beats the crap out of the equipment.
