MovieChat Forums > Ice Road Truckers (2007) Discussion > LOL Exploding battery my foot

LOL Exploding battery my foot

Body convulsions from sulfuric acid exposure? LMAO

Thom Beers, have you no shame?


Sorry but the battery acid incident was legit. The driver was injured just as you saw. Thom Beers had nothing to do with it.


If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

Thom Beers is known for staging these fake events on his other shows. Sadly, it looks like IRT needs ratings too so here come the fake events.


How much is the bridge? I worked on the show- it was legit.


You really want to pursue this?

Ok. For starters, in the closeup shot of them working on the batteries, both men are using their bare hands. When the battery "explodes", they suddenly have gloves on and have bottled water in their hands.


As I said- I actually worked on the show. It wasn't fake or staged. The fact that other shots are edited into a sequence does NOT mean the event was staged. Sometimes shots or footage "in the moment" are missing or don't quite work- so some creative editing is required to make the sequence "work".

Believe what you like, but I know for a fact it wasn't staged.


Y work on the show really prove because y show is all stage and scripted the whole dam thing .


How can I prove it? All I could do is say "hey that's my name in the credits". And you wouldn't believe that anyway. Why would someone lie about it anyway? I only came to this board BECAUSE I worked on it- and posted because the misconceptions drive me crazy. We busted our asses in dangerous situations to make it. If someone calls the show for things that are TRUE, fine. However when I see things that aren't true I feel the need to dispute them.



Pretty sure I laid out why I responded- it bothers me that we risked our lives to capture some reality for a tv show and people believe that ALL of it is fake. It's as if you were an artist and someone looked at your work and accused you of light boxing it.

I couldn't care less of what people think of my working on the show. I'm not here to impress people on the Internet. I just wanted to set the record straight on a few things. In the end it doesn't matter- people seem to really enjoy coming on to the board and attacking the show. Blast it for what it is , that's fine. (I never would have watched the show if I hadn't worked on it).



Agreed... no lives were risked to capture "Reality"... because Thom Beers has no idea what "Reality" is... all he knows is just cheap, faked smoke and mirrors theatrics....

"My new don't agree with what I say.. GFY and welcome to my Ignore List"


Ltrazordaddio - that's simply not true. Every year a chase car or two is totaled in the making of this show. No one has been too seriously hurt as far as I know, but there have been multiple trips to hospitals.

The real show would be following a chase car. What we have to do to get that footage that you think is smoke and mirrors is ridiculous. But whatever. At this point I'm just wasting my time. Enjoy the show, or don't.


Liquid... if you see Thom, tell him I said thanks for being one of the major players in turning Cable TV into the cesspool of cheaply produced, faked, scripted bullspit that it is today...

"My new don't agree with what I say.. GFY and welcome to my Ignore List"


I suppose that's true- you'd need to buy the original premise. Which clearly you don't and probably never will, lol. Oh well



Just out of sheer curiosity, what did you do specifically on the show? I'm not going to bash you or the show. I'm just curious.


You're a liar and a thief, and you've taken up too much of my time!

Now let's beat up that OLD Bastard George Carlin, he'd appreciate it!


"Thom Beers, have you no shame ?"

.... shame, what's that ?

"My new don't agree with what I say.. GFY and welcome to my Ignore List"


Batteries can explode but whether this particular battery was rigged who knows? Chemical burns do happen under those circumstances but I can not tell you anything in regards to convulsions.


I just watched this episode, and I to think the "exploding" battery was set up. First off the camerman just happened to have backed off to get a wider angle for filming when it "exploded", while 1 second before he was right in the with close ups. Secondly it looked like Todd was alot closer to the battery than the second guy yet second guy took the worst of it, but the big red flag for me, is for this run only, they happened to have a "freelance" guy that just happened to be with them, and he took the brunt of the "injury" Instead of one of the "stars" of the show. How convienient.


Sounds staged to me.


of course it was staged, the show would be boring if things didn't happen!
Ive been driving ice roads in Manitoba for 25 years and never have I come across anything like they do... me and a few guys were stopped at a truck stop and we were all makin fun of the show!
one guy said he was contacted regarding a truck he has without a motor in it.. apparently they want to put a truck thru the ice and need a truck without a motor.. thus no oil or environmental issues when truck goes thru ice
