Would Anybody .....

.... really have cared if this show had just "faded away", like it should have ?

This is the cheaply produced, scripted, staged, faked "Reality" POS, that started THE HISTORY CHANNELs decline, into the cesspool of cheaply produced, scripted, staged, faked "Reality" garbage.

Seven Seasons was seven seasons too many... spoiler alert... Season 8 is going to be just the same as the previous 7 seasons... over dramatic bullspit.

HISTORY, please have the decency to change the channels name, you are, and have been since 2007, a disgrace to the word "History".

If you deflect the topic of the thread from the show to me... the "discussion" is over..


Where are all the rave reviews for the 8th Season Premiere ???????????

If you deflect the topic of the thread from the show to me... the "discussion" is over..


Pretty much what I was thinking.

I just noticed someone upped a season 8 episode on a forum so I came here to see why anyone would still want to watch new or in fact any episodes of this show in 2014. I mean, eight seasons of the same fake drama following the identical dreadful format one episode after the next - why?

Eeek!!! I'm getting dressed.


Only thing I can think of is they have to give these "Reality" shows, THE SIMPSONS longevity to give them the "illusion" of popularity... besides they are so cheap to churn out, plus the Tax Incentives.. it's all just one big scam.

If you deflect the topic of the thread from the show to me... the "discussion" is over..


Here I thought I was seeing original programming with Douchey Darrell, Alex, & Kelly spending the first 20 minutes telling everybody how they're looking death in the face and will be lucky to not go through the ice.


Yup loving all the fake drama every time. Razo troll moaning 8 years and where has it lead you again. I'm starting to think that the more he moans the more seasons we will get.


The 8th Season snoozefest Premiere of this crap was watched by 1,810,000 extrapolated Nielsen TV Viewers...

Sadly, these shows are so cheap to produce, regardless of how low the ratings go... this POS will be on the air as long as, the channel that still has the nerve to call itself HISTORY, wants to continue the "illusion" of success.

If you deflect the topic of the thread from the show to me... the "discussion" is over..


This show should have died after the 1st season.All they do is recycle the same episodes over and over again.They just add a couple of new actors to make it look different so the zombies that still tune it won't realize it.It's the same staged bulls#!+ every week.The same poorly edited drama and the same teases of someone potentially going through the ice or hitting an oncoming truck.It's all fake drama that only an idiot would watch and believe that someday it will actually happen.It's sad that the "History is irrelevant" channel still believes that people would rather watch crap like this instead of real,honest programming.


Rick, is that you? Or the other whiny idiot who threw a tantrum and stomped off the show.
