Newest driver is a female

Steph Custance is the 22 year old driving for Polar. Will she rejuvenate the series or will she spin-out? Is it too cold for a nose-ring?


I guess there's Lisa's eventual replacement -- I think they wanted someone who could portray the young, inexperienced trucker fighting for her slice of the respect!Pie that Lisa can't really do anymore...

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And Lisa have become, well kinda "bulgy" - she's definitely not the slim, hot chick anymore... She's the new seasons fatty chick!


I wouldn't exactly call her 'fatty', she's simply getting older, she's 35 now and she has a job where she sits for most of the day. It's simply catching up to her.

She's still pretty, it's just that her tv "window" is slowly closing.

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I know, it wasn't very nice of me to call her a fatty, and I'm sorry for that. But she IS getting "bigger" and although she's 35 years old by now (that's actually still young in my opinion) she should maintain her physics imo. She kinda let go as it seems...

But hey, as my old man always said: Look at your girlfriends mother, and you'll know how she'll be looking at the same age... and he's was right. Luckily my mother-in-law was slim and fit, even up in a high age. She died 93 years old, was fit for fight, and still sharp as a razor, no Alzheimer's or Parkinson, and walked at least five miles each day. She just kinda "forget" to wake up a beautiful autumn morning.


You're right that 35 is still young, but tv is such a fickle medium -- the moment her looks start to fade they'll go with someone new. Will she still be on tv (IRT or elsewhere) when she turns 40?

Well maybe the addition of a new, younger female driver will encourage her to pull out all the stops to look her best ;)

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I agree, TV and the movie business is a shallow media, and especially when you're female, and that's why they cast the newcomer Steph Custance as a substitute to Lisa, and yes she WAS cast, she's not someone that just walked in at Polar at age 22, seeking for a job as an ice road trucker - she was picked out from a crowd. I think Lisa Kelly is going to leave the show in this season, or in the beginning of the next season...


If the show does return next season I doubt Lisa will, even if she wanted to. They got a cute girl 13 years Lisa's junior, and it's clear they intend her to succeed Lisa sooner rather than later.

Note that Steph works for Polar, so they will use the potential friction between the two as competitive fodder for their respective companies as well.

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I agree, and especially after the last episode, were we didn't see Lisa at all. It was only the Rookie.

But after Darryl Ward's tragical death, I'm not so sure they will continue the show - I think it will be cancelled.


I seriously hope Lisa does return. I enjoy watching her more than any other driver.

I don't think History would replace Lisa just because she is older. Who says the show only needs to have one female driver? Why not have only one young male driver and have the rest female. It would be extremely sexist if they replaced Lisa to make room for younger eye candy just for the benefit of the male viewers. I would be outraged if Lisa is booted from the show for any reason other than her no longer wanting to continue doing the show.

There is no reason why they can't have two or more women on the show and if it is a matter of only being able to feature X many drivers in the allotted time then they can get rid of Art or Todd, they are so freaking annoying, but with Darrell's unfortunate passing, they don't need to free up a slot. It is almost 2017. This sh!t needs to end. Why is it that Women's Rights are always overlooked and put behind all these other social issue that society seems to create. Women make up nearly half of the Huwomyn race. It pisses me off that even now, LGBT rights seems to take precedent over Womyn's Rights which have been ignored for thousands of years. God I hate other men, they are nothing but walking sacks of filth and pestilence.

I am angry and tired, signing off.... (for now).

*To all the typical masculinist scum on IMDB*
-"You're ridiculous and mens rights is nothing"


The nose ring and being a single mother will do her in. I think Lisa almost lost her job once it became known to the wider viewing audience that she had a husband to take care of the dogs when she was away in Canada for three months. I thought they just got really hungry in her apartment by themselves.
