Great show!

The only show i watch on G4 anymore

Red Rover - bend over
And let Sexy take over


I agree. This is the only thing keeping G4 on life support. I lol'ed during the Contra part on tonight's episode.

"Lucky guy. He's about to find out I'm Ben Murphy." MST3K


The contra part had me in tears, i nearly pissed my self when dave shouted "Die whitey!"

Red Rover - bend over
And let Sexy take over


this show is so good that any time i have seen it on tv i just cant help but watch it i have seen them all like 5 times its a good game

I'm a Buffyist, ask me how! _((B))_
Rest in Peace, Charlie Pace


I watch it everytime it's on. This show is hilarious. Dave rules!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully there are many more seasons to come.


Season 2 was awesome!

we are the nobodies wanna be somebodies We're dead, We know just who we are


this was indeed a good season.
one of the best parts is the opening theme song.
"Code Monkey" gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.
