Idea for season 3!

They need to make it 16bit graphic, going up in seasons should add going up in graphics!

I want to se Toddonia in its goldan age!


up to 64, then go down from there


I think they should keep the show 8 bit, but what they need to have is a "16 bit SPECTACULAR". That would be awesome!!


Well when this show enters the 90s, then they should go 16-bit!


I agree - theoetically Code Monkeys Gamavision will bottom out - and if and when the guys return it could be the 90s during the "16-bit revolution" and make fun of FMV games and CD-Roms as a viable medium for a platform etc etc.

With a relatively new staff to keep things fresh or whatever - I love the show so I'll be cool with whatever they want to put out.


Thats actually a pretty good idea, I hope this happens
