I have a question...

I just saw the movie on Netflix. I enjoyed the acting and the storyline was entertaining, just some scenes seemed to drag and I had to skip through some scenes which just never seemed to end. It could have been done a lot better but it was still alright to watch. I have one question after the movie...

What do you think Veronika would have done when she finds out she is not dying?

I don't know if she would be super happy and have a new lease on life, or become even more depressed than before because now she didn't see every day as a miracle. I don't know, any thoughts?


I don't think Veronika does anything. She will most likely just be glad to be alive, also because she now has Edward in her life, who makes her happy.

But i do how ever suggest getting your hands on a copy of the International version, that is cut differently and is longer, than the one Netflix only has. The International version is better and does not feel like it has dragging scenes.
