Stalking guy

I wanted to talk about how weird the guy is who eventually brings the daughter to Sylvia.

He is stalking her, then offers a ride home when it's raining, and she invites him in to her house. But he almost can't talk . Then he just leaves when she approaches him undressed.

The next time they meet he is stalking her from behind. She turns around and asks what the hell he wants (actually I don't remember what she said). Then he shows her the photo of her daughter and tells the whole story. If he had something to say, why didn't he approach her like a normal person?

The next time they meet he surprises her by bringing the daughter although she had said she didn't want to meet her. Isn't it a bit drastic and unsensitive to bring the daughter unannounced? He could at least have explained what had happened to the father so she would understand the whole thing. I don't know what he was trying to achieve by surprising her with the daughter.

When Sylvia changes her mind and wants to meet the daughter, he refuses to let her do that! How strange and illogical is that? She obviously wasn't prepared before.

It's an annoying character to me, and the way the movie mystifies him, overdramatizing things, prolonging everything.


The reason he left when she undressed is probably because he wasn't there for sex, he wanted to tell her about her daughter for his friend. And I am assuming he didn't want the little girl to see her the next day was because she ran from them! That probably broke the little girls heart. And I am assuming she changed her mind about seeing her was because she really did love her daughter she was just caught off guard, with her standing right in front of her like that. Idk that's just my interpretation.


His name is Carlos, by the way.

I think he was unsure he had the right person - even more so after she said her name was Sylvia. Hence no explanation in her apartment.

As he didn't speak English, he couldn't exactly present an eloquent argument as to why she should meet her daughter. He probably thought seeing her would trigger a positive maternal reaction.

Amazing, that Mariana knew no Spanish.


Amazing, that Mariana knew no Spanish.

That was extremely difficult to believe.

She gave the impression that AFTER LIVING IN MEXICO, for at least 6 Months, of not knowing even rudimentary Spanish.

I guess she never ventured out of their dwelling & spoke only to Santiago. 

