Hanakimi has ended..


One of my favorite jdoramas has finally ended. Hanakimi was a good drama (but not the best, i haven't seen any drama beat nobuta wo produce overall in terms of script, acting, balance, character development, etc.) and surprisingly, it had a light-hearted ending. Unlike some dramas (like HYD 1), the ending was not as sad. Although Mizuki went back to america, you can't help but smile when Sano said "This time, I'll visit you", meaning they will still see each other and this time as a couple. Plus the ending where Osaka will have a field trip in California made the ending even happier, knowing that they will still get to see each other once in a while. After all the tears shed during the goodbyes, it's nice to see that they would still be in touch. Another surprise to note is that Mizuki actually was able to graduate. So she could have just stayed in japan so they would still be together(i wish haha). Like the manga, Sano ended up with Mizuki and Nakatsu really had a 0% chance from the beginning (sorry tomaki fans).

As stated in the first paragraph, i don't find this the best because of the character development. Sorry Toma fans, this is my opinion. I think Nakatsu was too much in focus during the whole series. He had the best character development, and a lot if not the most screen time. Not that i hate toma/nakatsu, don't get me wrong. His character was good and a vital part in the series. I just think that they overdone it leaving little room for Sano's character to develop. I heard a rumor that this was a way to boost Toma's career, but i think they should have done that on the next drama he will star in and as the main character. Besides, even without that, he's still a favorite in the series. Also, the storyline was moving a bit slow in more than half the series. Then realizing that the end was coming, the storyline suddenly sped up (as evidenced by the last 2 episodes).

Lastly, the kiss. The icing on the cake, this sealed the connection between Sano and Mizuki. The problem that i saw is that the scene lacked power. Even with the silence, there was something missing in that scene. Compare it with the HYD 1 kiss at the end, you'll see the difference between the power of the scenes. But don't get me wrong, it was a nice scene, gave me a smile of content that Sano finally got the courage to show his feelings.

Overall, this is still one of my favorites of all time. Maybe a bit of bias because of Maki, hehe, but seriously, one of the best.

Now waiting for more to come!


would you like to see my mask?



I'm bummed, too, that it's over. I heard rumors of a second season of the Taiwanese version, which briefly gave me hope for a second season of the Japanese version. But, alas, it's been confirmed there will only be one season of the Taiwanese version. Dang.

And I can see what you're saying about Ikuta Toma. I adored him in the series, and now that I think about it, it's because it seems that he's the male lead. He develops much more than Oguri Shun (whom I'm slowly starting to like this time around). I think that's why I wanted Nakatsu to end up with Ashiya... because they spent the most time together.

(BTW: Nakatsu called Ashiya "Mizuki" from, like, the first episode. What's up with that?)

BUT I still hold out hope for a second season... and for a Nakatsu/Ashiya relationship. Why? Because it didn't seem like Ashiya even liked Sano. Anytime he hugged her, she was like "OMG LAME" and the kiss what just so lackluster. Again...

Sano: I love you, Mizuki.
Ashiya: ... whatevz.

Anywho, that's just my two cents. Still a terrific show. Everyone was awesome. Here's to hopes of a second season (full of Sekime and Kayashima. And Nanba. And Kagurazaka).


You said the manga ended just with
mizuki going back to america
and sano saying he will visit her.


but i think you missed the last chapter
because it ends with sano coming
to america to go to berkely college
and he lives near mizuki.

then they go back to japan to
seikmi's[don't remember how to spell it] wedding!
he marries rai.

then mizuki doesn't catch the bouquet
and is kinda bummed.

then sano says something like
"i promise as soon as i finish college
i'll ask"

and he says
"but in the future,
for the rest of our lives,
will you be by my side?"

and i won't ruin it for you
what she says.

if you wanna read it go here!
its the exact link.


"Its easy to do nothing, but it's hard to forgive."
add me[: www.myspace.com/Rainbow_MuffinXD



Made it clickable.

But what the heck?! That chapter is *not* in the manga series. I don't remember it in the English edition at all and I just finished it recently...so I have no clue what's going on.

Sokka: My first girlfriend turned into the moon.
Zuko: That's rough, buddy.


sorry, i don't know how to
make it clickable.

i know its not in the manga series,
but click on the link.

its like an added chapter or something.
its not a fake chapter either its real.
and its amazing[:

go read it!

"Its easy to do nothing, but it's hard to forgive."
add me[: www.myspace.com/Rainbow_MuffinXD
