Boy... this aged badly

I loved this movie when it first came out in theaters, but comparing it to today's animations, it's a visually poor movie. Dreamworks or Disney's main studio itself should have done this.

I once told a man to go screw himself! Can you even imagine?! - Kilgrave


It was pretty poor when it came out honestly.


It's very Uncanny Valley like The Polar Express.

It's the eyes, the dead eyes.


It's very Uncanny Valley like The Polar Express.

It's the eyes, the dead eyes.



It's ageless for me. Helps that being a ghost story, it's quite dark & shadowy. The weakest stretch is probably the ghost of Christmas past, until the dance. Otherwise, it still looks great to me. The graveyard sequence is pretty awesome. essential 50


What movies have surpassed it? I don't think I've seen anything else recently that goes for the more realistic look as opposed to exaggerated stuff like most Disney fare.
