Asylum Name

What is the name of the Asylum Methodic was filmed in?


Overbrook Mental Hospital in Essex County, New Jersey.

We did quite a bit of work there and it creeped me the hell out!
There is a bonus DVD extra that catches what is probably a ghost on video!

You can check it out here:

It's got cast & crew from Methodic in the video.


Thanks for the reply, I had never heard of this movie until I watched GHOST ADVENTURES and the played the EVP...The Movielooks great but I can't find it for sale, The Myspace Page and website don't have it listed. I love movies set in creep old building like this one.

Have you ever seen SESSION 9? AWESOME MOVIE and the movie is set in the Danvers State Asylum, sadly developers have torn down most of the Asylum.


I actually went back to the location about a month after we wrapped Methodic for a music video I starred in...

Very interesting place indeed - I believe on youtube there is a video from the basement, morgue, and other areas we used in the film...

