Video on Demand

This just in- Methodic will be coming to OnDemand TV programing sometime in 2010. If you haven't had a chance to see the film and can't seem to find it online or in stores, then this is definitely for you. Check your local listings next year because Methodic will be on TV.


i want to buy it so bad, it looks great, I'm a fan of all your stuff, but i want to get this so bad. i still haven't seen it!

Lucky for you there is a bonus round. But, poor Steve, I am afraid he's out!(ghost face) Scream.


You owe the producers of Methodic money.. the ones who gave you money to make it. Get on top of that.


when i receive a pay check, they will receive a pay check and not a moment sooner. but thank you for the lesson in better business. ;)
