I liked this movie better...

...when it was called "Reservoir Dogs".

That is all...



I too noticed the similarities to Reservoir Dogs, the opening scene, the warehouse location for the body of the film and lets not forget the line...." are you gonna crow, cock or are ya gonna do something?" from this film and compare it to this line from 'Dogs... " are you gonna bark little doggy? or are you gonna bite." I think this film maker has watched 'Dogs as many times as I have.
Still in all I think this was a good flick.

And people who watch wrestling have no room to call anyone else lame.

The biology of purpose keeps my nose above the surface (ooh)


It was definitely a "horror" version of Reservoir Dogs...the dialogue was pretty witty...although I disagree, nobody goes back & forth between comedy & drama better then Tom Hanks (not Robin Williams). Unfortunately, Tom seems to have stuck with Drama.

13 Hours in a Warehouse:5/10
Death Tunnel: 4/10
The Mist: 9/10
Babysitter Wanted: 5/10
