There are two new novels

If anyone's interested, Parker has written two more Jesse Stone novels not yet made into movies. The names escape me now, but it should be easy enough for a book store to list the Stone novels.
It would be nice if Selleck would commit those to film. But I think he's otherwise occupied now, with the Las Vegas TV series.


Does anyone know why 3 of the Jesse Stone Books previously written were never made into movies? The second in the series "Trouble in Paradise" was written in 1998 and "High Profile" was written in 2007 and "Stranger in Paradise" was written in 2008. None of these, that I can find, were made into movies. And then, all of a sudden, they make a movie that isn't even based on one of the books. Doesn't make any sense to me. Does anyone have any thoughts or information on this series of events? I always thought it strange that CBS chose to air the 4th in the series of books first and then the 1st. But then they just skipped the second one and the last two?

I LOVE Tom and anything he does. Every movie and every TV show he has done has been wonderful and very tasteful and entertaining. I liked him on Las Vegas and was really upset when they cancelled the series. I hope CBS realizes how much of a fan base he has and will fill our wishes with many more shows involving Mr. Selleck.


Jesse Stone: Thin Ice is not based on a novel but was written by Robert B. Parker.
