Several Things Developing

I remember an episode of "Murder She Wrote" when a NYPD detective mentioned to Jessica Fletcher how her little town of Cabot Cove seemed to have a murder rate higher than the South Bronx and she was always in the middle of it. Before Jesse came to the small town of Paradise he had only had one shooting incident when he was with the LAPD but since he got to Paradise 3-4 years ago he has smoked 5 people. Now admittedly they were all dirty dogs and they deserved every round after bitter he pumped into them but with all the stuff going on in Paradise its starting to make South Central LA look peaceful.

Also its starting to look like there is some over arching evil thing going on in Paradise that kind of in the background of all these individual incidents, any thoughts on this?

Final thought, for a small town cop who mostly writes parking tickets Jesse seems to get laid a LOT!


I enjoyed your remarks, mw7301. And regarding your last line: OF COURSE he gets laid a lot - he's TOM SELLECK ! ! ! !


Thanks for reading my post. I'm a old time Tom Selleck fan all the way back to the days that he was playing Lance White on The Rockford Files. He always had that Errol Flynn/Tyrone Power thing about him that meant all the babes wanted to hop in the sack with him and all the guys wanted to be best buds with him so in terms of the laid thing I agree he is after all...Tom Selleck!

But what do you think about the overall evil going on? Almost all of the gun battles and cases seem to stem from the whole crooked money laundering/bank robbery/crooked previous police chief thing. But there are story lines of course that have had nothing to do with that...maybe :)


The Stone Cold serial killer thing was a fluke that could have happened anywhere. And a lot of evil traces back to the big town of Boston.

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam


I take the relatively large number of shootings to mean that the previous police chiefs were either on the take, or simply too lazy and/or incompetent to do anything about the crime running rampant in Paradise. Jesse Stone has his faults, but corruption isn't one of them. As far as getting laid goes, well, yeah, he is Tom Selleck.


Jen murdered him because he wouldn't grant her a divorce, and "Paradise" is his version of purgatory, where he has to solve crime and take calls from Jen until he's worthy of the true paradise. This show is the manic depressive, alcoholic version of Life on Mars.
