MovieChat Forums > Red Canyon (2008) Discussion > Where can I find this movie?

Where can I find this movie?

I know a lot of people on this board have already seen it, but does anyone know where I can find it? I've looked to no avail on both amazon and netflix, and I can't manage to find it online. So any help would be much appreciated!



hollywood video or movie gallery


Laura Pratt(co writer/producer etc.) says if all goes well this movie will be available to buy before Christmas 09.



Has anyone actually gotten this from Amazon yet? I pre-ordered mine and it still doesn't appear to have been shipped. It's still teling me I won't get it until after Christmas, but it also seems like they don't have the movie to send me.




And, as if they heard you, today (Meeeerry Christmas) I checked Amazon and they FINALLY shipped it...should get it by the 28th they say.

Can't wait. I fear that I've already given too much away for myself, just from not controlling my wandering eyes. Hopefully there are some twists nobody's mentioned.


I'd be happy to buy your copy if you're interested in selling it! I've been looking for a region 1 copy for quite a long time, big Norman Reedus/Mac fan :)


This is the website I used to watch this film


12/26/2010 -- It's on Chiller right now. It will probably replay again.
