Cast problem?

Was anyone else bothered by how young the cast was? I mean they were the correct ago to play high schoolers, but there's a reason we usually cast adults to play high schoolers. Mainly because it is awkward to see non-adults acting or dressing "sexy".

I am probably just being a fuddy duddy. And I liked the movie for the most part.


Who dressed "sexy"? I didn't see anyone, except maybe the scene where the skinny blond is attacked and killed by her evil double, both wearing panties.


You are right. I'm being a bit of a prude.


As a man who thinks teenage girls are very sexy, I wasn't bothered by it at all! I think it's silly that folks would find it awkward. Teenagers are sexual beings just like adults are. I don't know why so many people want to hide from that fact.



I really shouldn't complain, i'm complaining about the opposite problem with The Hunger Games. But in tHG my complaint is that it fails to accurately portray the book and the reason seems to be that they wanted adults playing the parts of "sexy" characters. This movie, From Within, is less mainstream and so maybe they didn't care about general public views on appropriate age for sexiness.

just kidding



I've gotten two different responses on this thread. People saying we SHOULD think of teenagers as sexual beings, but our society likes to hide from this fact. And people saying there was nothing sexual about the actresses in this movie. So it is hard for me to respond acurately, some people are saying i'm wrong for thinking they were portrayed in a sexy way and others saying i'm wrong for thinking something is wrong with teenagers being portrayed as sexy.

just kidding


I don't know about the other teen characters, but the actress who plays Claire would have been 18 in 2008, and Elizabeth Rice would have been 22. I never would have guessed, because Rice looks about 13 in the movie, and Claire looks 15-16, but they at least did a good job at finding actresses who really do look like real teens. In other movies that use adults to play teens, you can usually still tell that they could be older.


That is very true to my original point. I was surprised they had people who looked like HighSchoolers playing HighSchoolers.

in real life i'm single and overweight


I wasn't bothered. And I saw no sexiness. If anything, it looked like they were wearing clothing for much younger girls.
